bad_ptc: Who's funding the Terrorists?

bad_ptc's picture

The U.S. Govt sends $12,000,000,000 in cash to Iraq, and then looses $8,800,000,000, some 73%, and they want to monitor my bank account for "irregular" activity?

bad_ptc: School to test for students' weekend drinking

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"PEQUANNOCK, New Jersey (AP) -- Some teenagers who drink over the weekend could be in big trouble come Monday morning: A New Jersey school district plans to institute random urine tests capable of detecting whether alcohol was consumed up to 80 hours earlier."

bad_ptc: Fr. Opps and Michael Vick

bad_ptc: Immigration; out of control!

bad_ptc's picture

Here's a link to a video that will really make you think; it's well worth watching, it points out a serious problem that affects the future of our country, our children and grandchildren. I was sent to me by a friend, if you have access to a fast internet connection I would advise using it vs. a dialup line.

bad_ptc: Girls winter coats

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I've got six girls winter coats I need to donate somewhere. I don't want them sold, I want them to go to some kids that need them.

bad_ptc: Cal, why don't you put a "Poll" up for this?

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"PTC considers settling Tennis Center lawsuit for $920,407"

That way we can see if anyone really cares.

bad_ptc: Good news Cal, "Web Sites Not Liable for Posts by Others"

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Somebody call Westmoreland's PR guy and tell him the good news.

"Web sites that publish inflammatory information written by other parties cannot be sued for libel, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday."

bad_ptc: The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion"

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The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians" spending your tax money.

bad_ptc: MAGAZINE SELLING SCAM, (Not confirmed)

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bad_ptc: muddle, some good guitar, keep forgetting to tell you

bad_ptc's picture

Alison Krauss + Union Station
Country, 2002, 2 disk set

Some really good dobro, picken and slid action.

Don't kno

bad_ptc: Get real, "Duct tape no magical cure for warts, study finds"

bad_ptc's picture

Hay, I don't make this stuff up.


bad_ptc: For the typing challenged

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This link will take you to a Microsoft Site where you can download a spell checker/dictionary that you can use with this blog

bad_ptc: Scary Halloween, by Blue Mountain

bad_ptc: Cal, reset the clock on the server.

bad_ptc's picture

The time changed last weekend.

I thought some people started blogging early this morning.

bad_ptc: 2008 Democratic Convention Upcoming Convention Agenda

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This is NOT to be taken seriously! Just thought I'd share.

2008 Democratic Convention Upcoming Convention Agenda

bad_ptc: Cal, John, et al

bad_ptc's picture

You didn't answer so I'll just "assume" you missed it.

Have any of you ever thought to ask a question of someone that’s writing your story for you?

bad_ptc: Cal, John and et al

bad_ptc's picture

Note: "I previously posted this elsewhere, but I would like the Citizen to reply to it."

Have any of you ever thought to ask a question of someone that’s writing your story for you?

bad_ptc: Muddle, you’ve been “noticeably absent” from this discussion

bad_ptc's picture

Last I remember you were doing research on the “race” issue for a possible book.

Do you find it inappropriate, or not, for a school official, Mr. Mann, to have banned the image of the confederate flag in a public school?

bad_ptc: TEACHER APPLICANT, (just for fun)

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After being interviewed by the school administration, the eager teaching prospect said: "Let me see if I've got this right. You want me to go into that room with all those kids, and fill their every waking moment with a love for learning, and I'm supposed to instill a sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse and even censor their T-shirt messages and dress habits.

bad_ptc: Suggestion for Cal

bad_ptc's picture

Cal, in the "Free Speech" section could you make each article have it's own "add Comment" link?

When someone adds a comment we get the entire listing and the reader has to read all of them to figure out which one is being replied to.

bad_ptc: How to motivate…

bad_ptc: Questions that you would like answered

bad_ptc's picture

Regional transportation fair Tues. at Shannon Mall

I plan on attending.

Please submit your, ”questions that you would like answered”, if you are not able to attend.

bad_ptc: Homebuilder confidence hits 15-year low

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The TDK extension is starting to not look as bad.

bad_ptc: Shopping at the Avenue

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Get ready for the future.

Shopping at the Avenue


bad_ptc: Parents, teach your children well

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There have been a number of “new” younger additions to the forums/blogs lately. I bid you welcome.

They have issues they want to discuss and present evidence too. Great! I’m glad there here.

bad_ptc: Great weekend discussion!

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It saved me from cutting the grass.

I want to thank all who participated in this weekend’s discussion about retail and water use.

bad_ptc: Apathy in Fayette County must die!

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How do we get people involved?

There have been many diverse issues discussed in the forum/blog on this site. Many are silly or insignificant. Many are truly insightful.

bad_ptc: Greg Dunn's 40 % ???

bad_ptc's picture

Greg Dunn states; “In fact, since I became chairman, residential building permits have been reduced 40 percent.”

Mr. Dunn, or anyone, can you tell me how you arrived at this number?

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