Why am I having problems posting?

If you are logged in and the add comment or reply links are grayed out, it may be a problem with your browser. Please log off completely by clicking on the link below or "log out" at the bottom of the gray menu box on the far left column. Simply quitting or restarting your browser does not automatically log you out.

Once logged out, empty your cache and delete the cookies for The Citizen.com. If you are using Internet Explorer visit the following link for help if you need it.

click link below to log out:

Trying a different browser may also help. Sometimes changing your password and logging in again with the new password works.


If you are logged in and are being returned to the login screen when attempting to post, it may indicate that you have wandered into a restricted area. Click on the The Citizen logo in the top left hand corner to take you back to the main page. Emptying your cache or restarting your browser may also help with this problem.

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