2007 Year in Review

2007 Year in Review

As the new year approaches, these holiday moments find us reminiscing about the previous months and all they brought with them. This year has been no less eventful than years past, and next year promises even more fun and fellowship for Fayette Countians.

F’ville employee recognized for 25 years of service

F’ville employee recognized for 25 years of service

Fayetteville resident Thomas Quarterman, an engineering services manager with the Centralized Field Maintenance Office of the Georgia Department of Defense, recently received his certificate of faithful service acknowledging 25 years of service to the State of Georgia. Lt. Gen. David B. Poythress, Georgia's Adjutant General presented the certificate to Quarterman at award ceremonies held in Atlanta on Nov. 31. Photo/Special.

Dirkschnider receives Toastmaster awards

Dirkschnider receives Toastmaster awards

High Noon Toastmaster president Alan Reyes, R, presents the awards for Best Speaker and the Best Evaluator to vice president of education JD Dirkschnider at the High Noon Toastmasters meeting on Dec. 4. High Noon Toastmasters meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at the Lafayette Learning Center in Fayetteville, Ga., Bldg B, room 208 at 12 p.m. Photo/Carleton L. Williams.

Volunteer needed to assist jobseekers ministry

JobSeekers of Peachtree City, a non-profit, non-denominational Christian ministry designed to support and assist unemployed members of the community, is seeking a volunteer to provide six to eight hours of administrative work each week. According to Dave O’Farrell, the organization’s executive director, help is needed to prepare resumes, prepare and send weekly messages, conduct telephonic coordination with job seekers, electronic filing and other duties.

Notables 12-26-07

• Wozniak graduates from food service specialist training course

Army Reserve Pvt. John Wozniak III has graduated from the Food Service Specialist Advanced Individual Training course at Fort Lee, Petersburg, Va. The course is designed to train servicemembers to perform preliminary food preparation procedures according to Army production schedules and recipes; cook, bake and serve food in large and small quantities, field and garrison kitchen operations; and general operation of Army dining facilities, including cleaning and housekeeping, sanitation measures, and storage of subsistence items. Wozniak is the son of John and Zordelia Wozniak of Peachtree City, Ga. He is a 2007 graduate of Starr's Mill High School, Fayetteville, Ga.

A very Gaddy Christmas

Lighting the way for Christmas cheer

A very Gaddy Christmas

For most of us, the Christmas season kicks off just after Thanksgiving. A month is spent planning, shopping and baking among the myriad of other tasks to accomplish, and by the time Christmas Day rolls around we’re in great need of a few days to rest.

For the Gaddy family, the Christmas season comes knocking in mid-summer. When Christmas seems a distant future for most, the Gaddys are launching once again into their annual holiday production: their Christmas display.

Landmark 8th graders donate time to Real Life Center

Landmark 8th graders donate time to Real Life Center

The eighth grade girls from Landmark Christian School generously volunteered their time at the Real Life Center sorting donations recently. Pictured are Alexis Robinson, Jasmine Peters, Martha Ryden, Caron Brown, Kensi Deel, Ana Maillo and Sarah and Rebekah Gravitt. Photo/Special.

One person’s trash becomes local children’s Christmas treasure

One person’s trash becomes local children’s Christmas treasure

A few weeks ago Amy Adams’ 1-800-GOT-JUNK? crew picked up a truckload of brand new stuffed animals, porcelain dolls, Barbies, Beanie Babies and other toys from a homeowner who needed to get rid of them.

‘12 Days of Caring’ helps kids in need

Children’s Restoration Network’s (CRN) ‘12 Days of Caring’ campaign is collecting donated Christmas presents for more than 2,000 homeless children in metro Atlanta, including 40-50 children in three women's and children's shelters in Fayette and Coweta counties.

Hood Avenue collects Cans for Kids

The C.A.R.E. team at Hood Avenue Primary in Fayetteville recently sponsored a food drive. Families and staff worked together to make the holiday season a little brighter for those in need in the community. The Cans for Kids: Football Blitz collected 2,338 cans of food. Grade levels competed as teams and together made this effort a huge success. This year, Susan Grace’s second grade class, Connie Perkin’s first grade class, Linda Hall’s kindergarten class and Lori O’Bar’s pre-k class were rewarded for bringing in the most cans on their team with a tailgate party. Some of these students helped load two trucks driven by volunteers, Darryl Chaney and Jack Prince, who took them to Fayette Samaritans for local redistribution.

Fayetteville resident named Fulbright recipient

Six recent University of Georgia graduates were named Fulbright recipients for the 2007-2008 academic year, including Alejandro Crawford of Fayetteville who was awarded a Fulbright student scholarship for study abroad opportunities.

Brewer honored by Fayetteville City Council

Brewer honored by Fayetteville City Council

Outgoing Fayetteville Councilman Glenn Brewer is honored by Mayor Kenn Steele and the city council.

Hayes receives community service award

Rudjard M. Hayes, a partner at Sanchez Hayes & Associates in Tyrone, Ga., was recently selected to receive the ninth annual Justice Robert Benham Award for Community Service, which is sponsored by the Georgia Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism. Hayes was one of only 11 individuals selected across Georgia to receive this honor.

Mellow Mushroom is ‘Shroomin for a Cure

Mellow Mushroom is ‘Shroomin for a Cure

Mellow Mushroom restaurant, located in Peachtree City, is off and running with their “Shroomin’ for a Cure” fund-raising efforts for the American Cancer Society’s 2008 Relay For Life of Fayette County.

McIntosh High School Interact Club thanks Rotary

McIntosh High School Interact Club thanks Rotary

McIntosh High School's Interact Club president, Kimmie Wingo, gives thanks to members of the Rotary Club of Peachtree City at a recent luncheon. Many Interact Club members were on hand at the luncheon to thank the Rotarians for sponsoring their club's operations and numerous activities. Rotary Club president, David O'Rear, gave his sincere appreciation to the students for all of their hard work and commitment they have exemplified in terms of service to the community. Interact provides opportunities for service, leadership development and youth fellowship to youth ages 14-18; sponsored by a local Rotary Club. For more information about Interact go to www.rotary.org/programs/interact.

Scouts compete in annual Raingutter Regatta

Scouts compete in annual Raingutter Regatta

Boy Scout Pack 409 recently completed their annual Raingutter Regatta. Each boy builds a boat from a kit and then creates their own individual design. Boats are placed in a raingutter filled with water and the Scouts blow on the sail to move their boats to the end of the raingutter.

PTC resident earns nursing scholarship

PTC resident earns nursing scholarship

David Francis, trustee of the Cathy H. Francis Foundation, presents Hannah Reed with a check for $1,000. Reed, of Peachtree City, Ga., is one of nine recipients of this year's Cathy H. Francis Foundation nursing scholarships. The award is given to students who are studying nursing as their profession. For more information about the foundation, visit www.cathyhfrancisfoundation.org. Photo/Special.

Students travel to Fernbank

Students travel to Fernbank

Jill Kirkland and Susan Mills’ first and second grade students from Sara Harp Minter Elementary School attended a field trip to Fernbank Natural History Museum recently. They learned about amazing amphibians and remarkable reptiles. Students enjoyed the “Frogs: A Chorus of Colors” exhibit and saw frogs of all different sizes, shapes and colors. Photo/Julie Reynolds.

McIntosh technical career students honored

McIntosh technical career students honored

Two seniors at McIntosh High School were recently honored as Technical Career Students of the Month by the Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City. Stephen Romanow was selected for the month of October while Brian Forsyth was chosen for November. Both were nominated by school faculty members for their extensive individual accomplishments.

Scouts party at Ashley Glen

Scouts party at Ashley Glen

Tyrone Boy Scout Webelos Pack #79 spread the Halloween Spirit by decorating pumpkins for the Oct. 26 Halloween Party at Ashley Glen Assisted Living in Peachtree City. The residents were delighted by the colorful and creative pumpkins decorated by the Boy Scouts. Pictured with the boys are Tammy Ballard and Becky Andersen of the Tyrone branch of South Crest Bank who sponsored the project. Photo/Special.

Barnes & Noble hosts holiday book drive

Barnes & Noble, Inc., the world’s largest bookseller, is holding its annual Holiday Book Drive. The store invites customers to purchase books for donation at Barnes & Noble bookstores now through Jan. 1. Barnes & Noble will distribute the donated books to children through locally designated non-profit organizations, schools, libraries and literacy partners. This year, Barnes & Noble Fayetteville will be collecting books for Fayette Youth Protection Homes, Inc. to benefit children at the Friday Johnson home and within the Grace for Children Foster Program.

Fifth graders say no to drugs

Fifth graders say no to drugs

An important ceremony was held before Thanksgiving at Crabapple Lane Elementary School. Seventy-one fifth graders successfully completed the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program taught by specially trained members of the Peachtree City Police Department. Fully sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City for over ten years, the program deals with the consequences of drug usage and how to handle peer pressure. The semester-long study is taught in each of Peachtree City’s elementary schools. Additional ceremonies were held at Huddleston and Braelinn elementary schools in late November. Students from each school class submit essays on what the program meant to them. Essay winners from each fifth grade class include (l-r) Molly Schimann, Rachael Llewellyn, Ali Griffith and Lily Roffler with school principal Doe Evans and Corporal Paul Smilley, program coordinator. Photo/Special.

Girl Scouts lend support to cancer survivors network

Girl Scouts lend support to cancer survivors network

Peachtree City Girl Scouts from Troop 232 support the Breast Cancer Survivors' Network, Inc., by making encouragement cards for over 300 patients and sorting a huge donation of new bras. Photo/Special.

Offshoot’s improv troupe performs in nontraditional spaces

Lacking a venue of its own, Offshoot Productions, the Southside’s longest-running professional theatre, has made use of varied spaces, ranging from train depots to town squares, restaurants, conference facilities, recreation centers and churches. The recent company-developed “Fairy Tale Project,” which toured schools, libraries and daycare centers, and the subsequent, adult-oriented “Fairy Tales for Grownups,” which played to a sold-out audience at Tyrone’s Boxcar Café, required that the actors work together as an improvisation troupe. This was an occurrence that artistic director Susan Steadman was eager to explore.

Southeastern Ballet Company receives Arts Clayton funding

Southeastern Ballet Company (SBC), a non-profit, professional dance company based in Newnan, has received a grant from Arts Clayton, Inc. to help fund “A Choreographer’s Showcase.”

Notables 12-19-07

• Horne graduates from basic military training

Air National Guard Airman John A. Horne has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization, and military customs and courtesies; performed drill and ceremony marches, and received physical training, rifle marksmanship, field training exercises, and special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. He is the son of John Horne of Peachtree City, Ga. Horne is a 2007 graduate of Starr's Mill High School, Peachtree City.

Classic Christmas

Dickens Village opens tonight

Classic Christmas

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” at Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville. The annual Dickens Village that has become a Fayette County tradition will open to the public tonight after much preparation and hard work.

“Dickens Village is an experience like no other,” said Shellye Febrey, first impressions minister at Heritage Christian Church. “It takes you on a sentimental journey back in time to a re-created Victorian village where families can share the warmth and love of the Christmas season.”

A lesson in safety

A lesson in safety

Kindergarten students at Peachtree City Elementary School received a visit from firefighters with the 82nd and 84th divisions of the Fayette County Fire Department on Monday, Oct. 22. Students received a lesson in fire safety and also toured the fire engines. Firefighter Andrew Dalton is pictured with Jessica Doyal and Claire Walker. Photo/Special.

Finishing touches in Tyrone

Finishing touches Tyrone

Marissa Lenoir, of Tyrone, is completing the sculpture of her daughter at the Fayette Art Center where she is taking a class from Rachel Cold. Classes in portrait sculpture are by appointment. For more information go to the website, www.fayetteartcenter.com or call 770-631-2780. Photo/Special.

Legion celebrates Marine Corp anniversary

Legion celebrates Marine Corp anniversary

The American Legion Fayette County Post 105 celebrates the birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps on Nov. 10 in front of their Log Cabin in Fayetteville. U.S. Marine Corps veteran and Legion member Doug Mount, L, had the honor of raising the Marine Corps flag. He was assisted by JJ Klauss, Post 105 house manager. The USMC was formed on Nov. 10, 1775 at Tuns Tavern, Philadelphia, Pa. Fayette County Post 105 of The American Legion meets the second Monday of every month at the Log Cabin. Photo/David Niebes.

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