The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Avenue brings 'uptown' to PTC

Fayette shoppers won't have to travel to New York City to shop tony stores along the Avenue anymore.

Fayette's worst multiple murder

If Donnie Gee had gotten a ride out of town, she and three others might never have been murdered by her sister's live-in boyfriend.

Hodge's alibis to SUV murder failed to sway Fayette jury

Although Karl Bryan Hodge never took the stand to defend himself of murder charges, he was still caught in his own lie.

Privy to history

Members of the Holly Grove A.M.E. Church in south Peachtree City have consulted with an expert on preserving one of its historical buildings, namely the privy.

Home invasion nets life in prison for Atlanta man

A Fayette County jury convicted an Atlanta man of armed robbery and several other crimes Tuesday afternoon for invading a Fayetteville home last March.

Apparent low bid for jail, courthouse is $31.98 mil.

It looks like Bell Construction will build Fayette's new jail and courthouse for $31.98 million.

Collins introduces tax rebate bill

U.S. Rep. Mac Collins introduced tax relief legislation Tuesday which includes a tax 5 percent rebate designed to jumpstart the nation's stalled economy.

Planners eye expansion of Whitewater

A slightly revised plan to add 127.5 acres to the Whitewater Creek community will be presented to the Fayette County Planning Commission Thursday.

Peachtree City officials tackle issues in retreat

The Peachtree City Council conducted its annual retreat at the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center this past weekend, discussing a variety of subjects.

Westmoreland: Reublican ideas advanced by Democrats in 2001

Looking back on the recently completed General Assembly session, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland believes the Republican Party made great strides.

Hecht pleased with successes in Legislature

Victories for state Rep. Greg Hecht in the 2001 session of the General Assembly include the last-minute passage of an anticrime bill and approval of his Natural Gas Bill of Rights.

Action delayed on impact fees

Fayette County commissioners have postponed action on an ordinance governing impact fees for fire services until their May 2 work session.

County to study salary structure

Fayette County commissioners want more information before making any wholesale changes in pay classifications.

Internet incident under investigation at Whitewater Middle

Fayette County School System officials are investigating allegations that students were allowed to view inappropriate material on the Internet in a computer class, a spokesman confirmed Friday.

Local teacher helps raise awareness for cancer research

Teams participating in the 2001 Fayette County Relay for Life event have increased by 500 percent over last year, thanks to the efforts of a teacher at Starr's Mill High School.

Office proposal on Tyrone agenda

The Tyrone Planning Commission is slated to consider a rezoning request for more office space in the town.

Brooks elects Bauer

Newly elected Brooks Councilman Fran Bauer says she is ready to go to work.

Middle schooler creates software to help teachers

Move over Bill Gates, a new software developer from J.C. Booth Middle School might be entering the computer scene in just a few years to give you a run for your money.

Fayetteville council meets Thursday

Some scheduling conflicts have led the Fayetteville City Council to conduct this week's workshop meeting Thursday instead of Wednesday, its usual day.

Local students advance to state geography bee

Four of the state's top students in geography can be found at Fayette's middle and elementary schools.

Fayette attracting top teachers to job fairs

As the last teacher job fair for recruitment for the 2001-2002 academic year approaches, Fayette County school officials say they are pleased with the number and caliber of candidates that have interviewed for teaching jobs.

Johnson warns residents about phone solicitors

Local residents should beware of any phone solicitor claiming to represent the Fayette County Sheriff's Department and the Georgia Sheriff's Association, said Sheriff Randall Johnson.

Lane Watts to lead Fayette GOP

Lane Watts of Fayetteville will lead the Fayette County Republican Party for the next two years.

Fayette students score high in state foreign language competition

More than 70 high school students from Fayette County schools recently participated in the Foreign Language Statewide Speaking Competition (FLAG) hosted by Starr's Mill High School.

Students learning about rape, abuse

Did you know that 25 percent of rapes take place in public places.

Police Blotter

Rising Starr CARE team makes history

For the third straight year in a row, a Fayette County school has won the SAPA (Student Assistance Professionals Association) of Georgia Distinguished Award for its CARE (Children at Risk in Education) team program.

Surplus food is offered

The U.S. Department of Agriculture will give out surplus food commodities Friday, March 30 at three locations in Fayette County:

Bikers receive safety award

Fayetteville Chapter P of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association received an award for its safety programs.

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