The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Why do local officials so often choose secrecy, instead of openness?

You, the people, won a big victory last week.

Is this truly a wash 'n' wear president?

George W. Bush is clearly trying to walk in some big shoes as he wages a war of words with the so-called "axis of evil."

Spamming the awards world
Laugh Lines

Controversy, disappointment, the silly outfits, this issue of Spamming the Globe salutes all the awards won and yet to be won.

Campaign finance reform may be death sentence for free speech

"We must remember that a right lost to one is lost to all." William Reece Smith, Jr.


NAACP seeks trouble where there is none

Local NAACP declares war against quality education in Fayette County.

1 cable service that is never interrupted: the monthly bill

I guess I can forgive AT&T Broadband for making the mistake of announcing that their upgrade in Peachtree City was completed when it obviously was not, since my cable has been out more times since that announcement than in all of the past year.

Real campaign reform: Limit vote to those who understand our government

Dave Hamrick's ideas on campaign finance reform are a step in the right direction. However I think we need a solution that is more radical yet is also more in keeping with the ideals of limited democracy in which the founding fathers believed.

Rancher buffaloed by letter

I think Ms. Bertram ("Taxpayers foot buffalo bills," Jan. 23) had better get her story straight.

Moratorium misguided, damaged PTC reputation

Some weeks ago, a gentleman wrote into your paper and asked, "Where is Gary Rower?" As a former candidate for mayor of Peachtree City, I have spent the last 90 days living under a self-imposed gag order. Being publicly silent does not in any way mean I have been inactive or unaware. Now, I find myself in a position of government watchdog. The gag order has been rescinded.

Mayor cuts off debate

The council meeting on Feb. 21 is just one more example of the methods that Mayor Brown uses to achieve his purpose. Once again it was brought out that the workshops idea wasn't to be and by vote of the council it was tabled.

Let's hope mayor never offends soccer voters

The Peachtree City Council meeting of Feb. 7 was exemplary of the kind of nonthreatening environment I think Mayor Steve Brown is trying to bring to our city.

McDonald's ad portrays white people as stupid

At times I think race relations have come a long way, and then something happens that brings back the past. Example: Feb. 13, a commercial on the Bernie Mac Show.

Exam policy: More problems than solutions

I am writing in regard to the current exam exemption policy for the seniors at Starr's Mill High School. The exemption policy requires that seniors have at least an 80, as well as only five absences in order to be able to exempt their final exams.

High school an adult idea that is outdated, flawed

I have been through three years of high school, and despite the constant assurances that "it is for our own good," I remain skeptical. Adults should face the fact they don't like adolescents and that they have used high school to isolate the pubescent and hormonally active adolescent away from both their picture-book idealized innocence of childhood and the harsher, rushed adult world of today.

Parents, why can't you just chill about college?

Why do parents stress the college issue so much? I understand that they want us as kids to go to college and all, and most of us are more than willing to go, but why can't they just let us decide?

Students starting to mumble Pledge again

Directly following the events of Sept. 11, Americans burst forth with a strong surge of patriotic spirit. Flags were so sought after that retailers could hardly keep them in stock. School-age students wore red, white, and blue to show their support and pride and said the Pledge of Allegiance with a better understanding of the words that were so familiar but never completely appreciated.

NBC spoiled Olympics by tape-delaying events

I'm a 15-year-old student from Starr's Mill High School and ever since the Barcelona Winter Olympics I can remember a pride about the games.

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