Wednesday, February 27, 2002

NAACP seeks trouble where there is none

Local NAACP declares war against quality education in Fayette County.

[Several weeks ago] a letter appeared in The Citizen which asked if any black student in Fayette County government public schools (GPS) had been unfairly punished due to the color of their skin. A phone number was listed for a local rep of the NAACP.

This is a classic NAACP stratagem: If there is no problem, there soon will be. If the problem is minor, it will become major. We've come a long, long way in positive race relations in the past 40 years, but the NAACP acts as if it's 1952 instead of 2002.

Sheeple of Fayette County! Wake up! Almost since the death of MLK Jr. the NAACP leadership has been committed to a strategy of "Agitation Now! Education Later." which has decimated government public schools especially for blacks!

At one time City of Atlanta GPS were the best in the state; at one time DeKalb County GPS were listed as one of the ten best GPS systems in these United States. For instance, in 1968 at Walker High School (now McNair) in DeKalb County, Latin, Greek, Spanish, French, German, Russian and Mandarin Chinese were taught; and if you could get 12 people interested in taking some other language, a qualified teacher would be provided. In 1971, Walker H.S. added Swahili and Arabic. Now, thanks to the NAACP (and the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers), it's difficult to get good instruction in English at McNair H.S.

Do you sheeple of Fayette wish to save your kids and grandkids and/or some money? Or, do you want the NAACP to destroy quality education for blacks, whites and other minorities as they've done during the past 30 years?

Answer 1: Fayette County GPS should not follow the reactive, litigious policies of Atlanta, Fulton County and DeKalb County GPS. Fayette County must be proactive.

Answer 2: Fayette County needs to institute a "Choice in Education" program that uses taxpayer money to send kids to private, parochial or government schools.

Answer 3: We must remove two nice guys from our current Board of Education: Mickey Littlefield and Greg Powers. Powers and Littlefield may be nice, but they are enemies of quality education for Fayette County kids because they fail the "Quality Education Litmus Test."

I'm sure there are more answers. Anyone interested in fighting a good fight for our kids?

Bill Bryan

Peachtree City


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