Wednesday, February 27, 2002

McDonald's ad portrays white people as stupid

At times I think race relations have come a long way, and then something happens that brings back the past. Example: Feb. 13, a commercial on the Bernie Mac Show.

For some reason the Golden Arches seem to think only black people watch a show about a black comedian and his wife who adopt three children. Commercial time, a black man is in an elderly white woman's garden doing an interview about the woman's tomato garden, then out of the blue, he asks her, "What month is Black History Month?"

She replies, "September, yes, September, that's when the tomatoes are best..." Commercial fades to, "The Golden Arches thinks Black History Month should last all year long."

Feb. 20, same show, commercial time. It's Halloween, and white kids are at the door of a white woman's house for trick or treat. A man walks up with a microphone in hand and asks the lady, "What month is Black History Month?" The white kids say, "October, yes, say, October; that sounds good." Fade away to the Golden Arches, and it says February is Black History Month.

Do you get the hint: White people are so stupid that they don't know that February is Black History Month?

Do any of you remember when black people were insulted at the way film makers represented them as people who shuck and jive, and were portrayed as stupid? If we have come so far in race relations, then please tell me why white people are now the brunt of being shown as stupid?

Now as for this old white lady, I know when Black History Month is, and I know where the Golden Arches are and I will be slow to go back for another hamburger that makes the white race the brunt of a stupid commercial.

But don't worry, Golden Arches; white people won't get off the sofa long enough to protest anything, so don't worry about your sales falling off, just because you seem to think white people are stupid.

LeGay Saul



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