Steve Brown: Steve Brown: Election in Peachtree City

Steve Brown's picture

It has been a couple of interesting months of campaigning by the various candidates.

For the most part, the candidates have been issues oriented.

Steve Brown: Political Mud Slinging against Fleisch and Haddix at Holy Trinity, WWJD?

Steve Brown's picture

Barb Curasi is flooding the good folks at Holy Trinity Catholic Church with political propaganda and total lies.

There never was a plot to replace the city manager. In fact, I hired Bernie McMullen and like the guy. He is doing a fine job.

Steve Brown: Kudos to Cal Beverly and the crew: Election coverage

Steve Brown's picture

This is the best coverage of a local election I have ever seen. The AJC does not have this much on the mayoral election for the City of Atlanta.

Steve Brown: Kudos to Cal Beverly and the crew: Election coverage

Steve Brown's picture

This is the best coverage of a local election I have ever seen. The AJC does not have this much on the mayoral election for the City of Atlanta.

Steve Brown: The Republican-Left candidate: Dar Thompson

Steve Brown's picture

I found it quite humorous that, in September, Mr. Thompson would refute (in a recent letter to the editor) a column I wrote in March about his tax and spend mindset.

Steve Brown: Steve Brown: Callula Hill makes absolutely no sense

Steve Brown's picture

Former Airport Manager Jim Savage hit the nail on the head: the city has always tried (until the last Planning Commission vote) to protect the Falcon Field Airport from residential development.

Steve Brown: PTC Council Candidates

Steve Brown's picture

I hope the candidates will continue to express their views on land use, budgeting, recreation and more.

Including e-mail addresses following a letter to the editor will help voters get in touch with you, so they can ask questions.

Steve Brown: Sen. Chance needs to work on responsiveness

Steve Brown's picture

I noted in my last column that Rep. Matt Ramsey responded to an e-mail I sent regarding the traffic signal at Hwy. 54 and Line Creek Drive.

Steve Brown: Merry Christmas and a poke in the eye from Logsdon and company

Steve Brown's picture

The word from Peachtree City that the city's hands are tied and they must accept another traffic signal at Line Creek Drive and Hwy 54-W is absolutely unbelievable.

Steve Brown: Steve Brown: The Smola Predicament

Steve Brown's picture

I have always been an enthusiastic supporter of our local schools and was a vocal supporter of the 2000 bond referendum. As an elected official, I participated in many projects with the schools in Peachtree City.

Steve Brown: Police HQ: Losing almost $3 million not an opportunity

Steve Brown's picture

I know Scott Bradshaw did not write the headline for his piece in the newspaper (PTC Police HQ: Problem or opportunity?). But there is no opportunity for the taxpayers in being soaked for millions in land, construction and lease costs for a problem that should have never existed.

Steve Brown: Steve Brown: Mudcat telling the truth on Direct PAC?

Steve Brown's picture

The remarks from poster Mudcat were brought to my attention by someone claiming to “have the truth” related to the ethics filing from the Direct PAC against me. I will address Mudcat's statements below:

Steve Brown: Impact fee issue – more detail - more understandable

Steve Brown's picture

I have pasted the text below from the e-mail I sent to the Mayor, Councilmen and City Manager. It is also available at City Hall.

Steve Brown: Lack of vision and the plight of the State Route 74 corridor

Steve Brown's picture

Most development professionals know the State Route 16 corridor is going to be a red hot growth area. Land speculation is taking off. Peachtree City's official opinion appears to be build at will. What is going to happen to all of the traffic from that development and what impact will it have on State Route 74?

Steve Brown: Steve Brown: Addressing McDonoughDawg's comments

Steve Brown's picture

I put together a reply regarding McDonoughDawg's comments. My comments appear in bold below his.

McDonoughDawg said:

Steve Brown: It is tough to spin bad government decisions

Steve Brown's picture

This is my response to the letter from Direct PAC's Jim Stinson. SB

Ex-Mayor Brown: Where are all the supporters of TDK Extension today?

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