Impact fee issue – more detail - more understandable

Steve Brown's picture

I have pasted the text below from the e-mail I sent to the Mayor, Councilmen and City Manager. It is also available at City Hall.

To: Mayor & Council

From: Steve Brown

Date: 29 MAR 07

Subject: Westside (Annexation) Impact Fee Committee/Westside Annexation Proposal

I want to bring some concerns to your attention regarding the Impact Fee Committee. If the City is not careful, I believe we are going to end up with another financial Tennis Center-type fiasco.

• The committee seems to have very little in the way of true citizen advocacy on board.

• There is a problem with a lack of legal public notification on the committee meetings as required by law.

• Committee meetings are held during business hours which prevent citizen attendance and participation. Only the developers and homebuilding interests are able to make all the meetings.

• I have deep concerns with the current committee recommended assessment directed only toward a fire station and a soccer field at the Georgia Highway 74-South Baseball and Soccer Complex.

• I have deep concerns related to infrastructure improvements in the Westside as condition of annexation, impact fee credits and the ability to fully fund $3.5 million for the soccer field improvement.

• A problem exists with the unwillingness of the Mayor and Council to assemble a committee with true citizen advocacy to examine and deliberate upon various concerns on the Westside annexation, including housing density, school districting and legitimate infrastructure costs. Developing an impact fee formula prior to publicly addressing these concerns is putting the cart before the horse.

• There is a need for the Mayor and Council to enter into discussions with the new Fayette County Board of Commissioners to determine if an agreement can be reached that would allow for a bridge at North Kedron without a high density annexation. Scenarios could include, no, partial or complete annexation.

• Large quantities of hazardous and caustic materials are still being parked within a short distance of some significant residential and retail areas. This should cause you a great deal of concern. There are certain measures which should be examined to resolve this problem.

I am more than willing to meet and discuss these matters with you in further detail. You have my cell phone number.

Many thanks.


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Submitted by Jones on Sat, 03/31/2007 - 2:00pm.

What a surprise, no "citizen advocacy" on a committee set up by Harold Logsdon!

I'm glad these things get exposed.

Submitted by John M on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 7:57pm.

Mr. Mudcat is trying to con everyone. He's telling us the state legislature wanted to keep these meetings secret. No way!

I completely agree with Steve Brown’s e-mail he sent to the city council. Why no public notification? By the way, why would the city council NOT want us to see what’s going on in these committee meetings? Both of the developers wanting annexation on westside are there, so you can imagine what kind of deals they’re making without our knowledge.

Mudcat is letting his Direct PAC show. They like to stick it to the little people when they aren't looking.

"I'm NOT John Munford"

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 7:02pm.

1. Composition of the committee is dictated by State Law. Probably to prevent gadflys from controlling the process. More likely to have grown-ups on the committee to make their findings less vulnerable to legal challenges.
2. There is no requirement to notify the public of a private meeting, you moron.

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