The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Calendar capers: BOE sells pig in a poke

By the time you read this, the decision will have been made. The Fayette County Board of Education will have approved what I call a modified "balanced" calendar.

My heritage as a Murphy
Laugh Lines

More and more today, people are interested in their roots. With everyone being labeled in some way, Asian-American, Native-American, African-American (I guess if I had a dog it would be canine-American), I just feel a little left out only being American-American. So, I did some research to discover my heritage.

A truth in the midst of Catholic scandal: Jesus will never betray you

The headlines [have been] captured by the very sad news that perhaps up to 70 priests in the Archdiocese of Boston have abused young people whom they were consecrated to serve.


March for Jesus May 4 to feature fair, concert

In conjunction with the National Day of Prayer, which will be held May 2, there will be the annual Celebrate Jesus Day parade and fair on Saturday, May 4, at Heritage Park in Fayetteville.

What is this obsession with race? It describes nothing

Two of your readers were very upset with a McDonald's commercial that seems to slight "white" people in the hope of attracting "black" people to buy their product.

Celibacy and priestly scandals are nothing new for Roman Catholic Church

The press has the right to condemn the deplorable acts of sinful priests and demand public justice. But it has no grounds to attack the priesthood, priestly celibacy, or Catholic doctrine.

Fayette recreation facilities: Improve, expand them

The Fayette County Board of Commissioners has now approved the conduction of a Recreation Needs Assessment Study. The study will consist of telephone interviews, random surveys, and public hearings. Conducting this study is a long overdue first step in improving the recreation opportunities and facilities in this county.

County needs public buses

I am interested in moving to Peachtree City and what surprised me was the lack of any public transportation.

Mayor: Hwy. 54 plan will prevent eyesore stores

Some people are telling me not write letters to the editor because "mayors are not suppose to do that." I was glad to see our State Solicitor Steve Harris and State House Representative Lynn Westmoreland writing their own letters in recent issues of the newspaper. The people have a right to know the views and thoughts of their elected officials; otherwise we end up with no direction and $350 million dirt-hauling deals.

City Hall falling short in addressing PTC traffic

In the continuing saga of issues in Peachtree City, this week's edition is traffic, more specifically traffic problems. During last year's mayoral campaign much was made by our current mayor about who was to blame for the current and pending traffic problems. Where does that leave us today?

Talk to seniors at Center to get accurate picture

I'm Miriam De Pena, activities assistant and driver of Fayette Senior Services for two years. I consider myself an experienced and mature individual, capable of discerning the management of any business or organization, especially, those related with customer or educational services.

Pursue better service, more modest center for seniors

I and several other employees did not ask to be approached by seniors at the Center, distraught from circumstances that obviously were causing them sleepless nights and potential health issues. If these seniors felt comfortable speaking to their direct superiors, why didn't they do so? Let me try to answer that question. Many feel intimidated by management there and they have specific evidence to support this feeling.

Whoever stole the Euro exhibit, please put it back

We had a project going at the Peachtree City library and someone stole from the exhibit.

F'ville roads are shamefully littered; let's all do better

Every time I drive down just about any road in Fayetteville or Fayette County, I am disgusted by the amount of garbage that is on our roads.

Beyond Brownies, Senior Girl Scouting offers challenges

Aren't you too old to be a Girl Scout?

Turner, the animal pariah

Allow me to respond to William F. Fielder's letter asking "Why no squawk from PETA?" regarding Ted Turner's bison subsidies, bison hunts and wildlife killing ("Ted Turner has a few causes beyond buffalos" Feb. 13].

Cats are still getting help

All of us with RescueCats, Inc. appreciate the support that the public has given us during the past month. We want everyone to know that we are still operating with foster homes instead of at our facility, but on a very small scale.

Older drivers wish for public transportation

For Sally [Satterthwaite], thank you for speaking my mind at the commissioners' meeting [in support of GRTA bus service]. I had thought I was the only one in Fayette County who was hoping for public transportation.

A penny here, a penny there

[Carolyn] Cary is somewhat mistaken about the purchase of a $110 pair of shoes during the March sales tax holiday.

Novice learned a lot of lessons from Hamrick, including the art of objectivity

[The way I look at the world of news reporting has suddenly changed. Objectivity is no longer objective. The man who wrote of other people's sadness and successes is no longer around to write of the sadness our community is feeling or how silly it is that a community is mourning somebody "so insignificant in the bigger scheme of things." Dave Hamrick, the first news reporter I ever dealt with in the real world after graduating from college, is gone.

'Sports guy' remembers getting hired by Hamrick

It was some time around March 1993 when I got a call from Dolly Purvis, my old boss at the Clayton Sun, where I had been sports editor before the Sun Newspaper Group went under. She told me that a sports editor job had opened up at a brand new paper in Fayetteville, and that I needed to contact Dave Hamrick. I was pretty bummed about the newspaper business at that point, having been kicked out of the army, where I started out as a military journalist, then watched my first civilian newspaper go bankrupt.

Dave committed to fairness

I was so saddened to learn of Dave's sudden death. That is a dreadful loss to The Citizen, to the entire community and to the world of journalism.

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