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Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Registered non-voters, you can still do the right thing Nov. 27

So did you vote last week?

Here we go with the rich-bashing again

It didn't take long for class envy to rear its head again once the president's economic stimulus package hit Congress.

Time has its way, like a swim pool
Laugh Lines

Every man, woman and child has something in common. We go through time like Madonna goes through men.

PTC planned for a lot more people
Contributing Writer

In the rhetoric of election year politics, a certain theme of misinformation disinformation? seems to be endlessly repeated, apparently on the supposition that if something is said often enough, it will be believed as true.


Cities trying to squeeze county for more money

Through The Citizen editor's courtesy, I have often been permitted to present comments on the local political scene which I hope have been helpful to our county citizens. The occasional feedback I have been getting has been overwhelmingly positive. I might observe that The Citizen did a great job in allowing the candidates in our recent municipal elections to present their views, and I suspect thoughtful citizens were greatly helped in the process. After all, what's the point of voting if you don't know what you're voting for!

Fitting tribute for Mayor Lenox: an intersection named for His Honor

Now that the Peachtree City mayoral election is over [sic], and we can look forward to a future without Bob Lenox, I would like to propose that an honor be bestowed upon our outgoing leader.

Hamrick misses point: Security is a federal duty

Mr. Hamrick, I think you are missing the point on the issue of the difference between federal and private employees performing airline security screening ["Thanks, Congress, for return to norm," The Citizen, Nov. 7]. It is not a question of where the paychecks come from. The real issue is law enforcement and how we as an industry and a nation respond to terrorism.

Since when do we need cops to block parents?

What is happening with the middle school sports program in Fayette County? Since when do educators of our children have law enforcement officers to keep parents out of meetings concerning our children?

Afghan people are hungry because of Taliban, not war

I would like to respond to Terri Gilman's letter to the editor criticizing my previous letter, stating my opinion about dropping food in Afghanistan.

Brown: Thanks for your vote; let's do it again

A special thanks goes to the voters for turning out in an off-year election! We need to do it one more time on Nov. 27. Please mark your calendars. s

Lakly endorses Brown over 'business as usual' Rower

I am taking this opportunity to thank my many supporters who recognized that my ability, experience, and knowledge were important to the future of Peachtree City. I deeply appreciate your encouragement, financial support, yard sign locations, and loyalty to a candidate who tells it like it is. While I may have lost this election, I have not lost my personal integrity and commitment to representing my fellow citizens and taxpayers.

Murphy: 'Rower is the man to get the job done'

I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to all who supported me and stood by me throughout the last several weeks during my campaign for mayor of Peachtree City. I had the pleasure of working with an incredible committee that put in countless hours of hard work. I have also had the honor in making many new friends, and have learned that the citizens of Peachtree City are the most warm and caring people any city could ask for.

Fritz: Fought for traffic rule, against big boxes

The U.S. Constitution gives political critics more rights than responsibilities. The major downside of today's Internet technology, as well as some newspapers, is there are some irresponsible communicators, and under our law, we must respect that freedom. The damage done by these individuals is usually irreversible and unjustified. Too often, people don't have the time to get to know their elected officials, or what the facts really are.

Wellman, Tennant grow up

Ever wonder why a voter would consider not exercising their privilege to vote and would rather stay away from the political "scenes" in Peachtree City?

Wellman: Brown hasn't earned position of mayor

As I write this letter I am watching "Saving Private Ryan" for the hundredth time and just finished 11 weeks of following the men of Easy Company fight their way across Europe. I find myself in a reflective mood of my own circumstances and my brief combat experience 10 years ago. You see, for the last two weeks I had carefully crafted a scathing letter about the political circumstances of Peachtree City and the completely ridiculous behavior of Councilman Dan Tennant and his twin Steve Brown. I put it aside to talk about leadership.

Weed: More cops for west side, no new taxes

I wanted to take an opportunity to address the substantial number of voters who turned out in the Nov. 6 election. Both myself and my campaign volunteers were thrilled at the concern and attention that the voting public showed in this important election. More personally, however, we would like to give a heartfelt thanks to all of those who supported our campaign.

Chambers: Thanks to all who supported me

[Election] night, one of the most exciting, scary, stressful, challenging, exhausting, and invigorating times of my life came to a close my campaign for City Council in Peachtree City.

Fritz saved PTC taxpayers an unwinnable lawsuit

[I am sorry Dan Tennant made a political issue of [Carol Fritz's] vote for the Home Depot-Wal-Mart building permits, as if she were in favor for those stores. I have supported Dan in the past, and it is unusual for a councilman who is not up for reelection to become involved in the reelection campaign of a fellow councilwoman.

Fritz has supported PTC environmental projects

I am submitting the attached letter in support of Carol Fritz again for you to publish in the Letters section of The Citizen. Now that there is a runoff election for both the mayors race as well as the post 4 position in Peachtree City, I am hoping that you will publish a more balanced selection of the letters of support for the candidates over the next three weeks other than selecting only those that support the candidates whom you wish to see elected. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. There is really no reason why this letter should not be published.

Fritz has courage to make unpopular votes

[Carol Fritz] was accused in the newspaper of taking 10 separate courses that were a fabrication and do not exist. This distortion and attack was totally untrue and brings into question the credibility and character of the attack

Stolen campaign signs point to dirty city politics

Someone must be really afraid of the likely outcome of the runoff election in Peachtree City as the campaign has taken a decidedly nasty turn.

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