The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Lives vs. the goal: no easy answer

Up close and personal, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution carried a story the other day about a civilian who was badly injured when the first bombs started falling on Afghanistan.

Medicare, terrorism bills pass Congress

On Oct. 11, the House Committee on Ways and Means passed the Medicare Regulatory and Contracting Reform Act of 2001 (H.R. 2768), which I supported.

Urban legends for Fayette
Laugh Lines

As cities go, we in Peachtree City lack our own Halloween story, an urban legend that we can pass from generation to generation. I can fix that. Here are two short essays of local lore (inspired by true events) to frighten your children, and maybe even you.

A biblical response to Sept. 11 terror attacks
By Dr. Howard E. Dial

[Editor's note: The following column was provided by Dr. Howard E. Dial, founding pastor of Berachah Bible Church, 310 Corinth Rd. in eastern Fayette County.


Terrorists attacked Islam as well as U.S.

The Islamic Speakers' Bureau of Atlanta would like to express its deepest gratitude to the caring and understanding citizens of Fayette County. We thank everyone who has chosen to keep an open mind and to understand that the attackers are different from the vast majority of Muslims around the world. Furthermore, we would like to urge everyone to turn these tragic events into an opportunity to better understand the multiple cultures and beliefs that make this country a true "melting pot."

Tip to Frank: Hide your head in shame

I am a Nigerian immigrant resident in Fayette County and take serious exception to the racist, rude and insensitive comments by Mr. Frank Hyde regarding immigrants in your Oct. 3 edition [Letters, "Coming to America? Here's a tip: Conform"].

County should enact impact fee for jail right nowI

This paper ran an article in the Oct. 10 edition updating us on the issue of payment for the new jail and jail operations. The county commissioners and city officials do not appear any closer to resolving this issue than they did a year ago.

We need power but not here

Recently I read a letter from someone criticizing those who are opposing the proposed power plant in South Fulton County. This person stated that their mother lived in California and was now paying $400 a month for power.

In defense of Frank Hyde . . .

In reply to Matthew L. Dunfee's letter of Oct 10: Matthew, you spoke so elegantly about the rights of immigrants, and then in the same paragraph you sought to take away from Mr. Hyde the right that all of us are granted, freedom of speech.

Why cancel F'ville trick or treat?

You may have probably heard that the Trick or Treat on Main Street [in Fayetteville] has been cancelled this year. I for one am very upset about this. (Please do not mistake my intentions. I am not doing this for my children.) I have two children, a 10-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy. Every year, they along with thousands of other children, look forward to going trick or treating on Halloween.

Rower: Here's info to clear up any confusion on developers' impact fees

There seems to be confusion throughout the community over developer impact fees and how they are affecting the budget of Peachtree City.

Brown won't embarrass PTC citizens

As a four-year resident and homeowner in beautiful Peachtree City, I have read the ongoing letters as published in your fine paper. I am very favorably impressed with the intelligent and correct documentation of those letters of mayoral candidate Steve Brown. Though he has, from time to time, been insulted and attacked, he has conducted himself as the true gentleman and leader he is.

Faulkner: Opponent has contradictions

There are other issues I would rather write about this week, but last week The Citizen newspaper misquoted me concerning my stand on the budget, and I believe citizens have a right to know where I stand on issues that affect them. Please visit my website at for more information about my stand on other issues.

Former PTC planning commissioner endorses Brown, Weed for council

Time for a change

Fritz: Leaders have done good job

When I was asked to consider running for office in 1997, my supporters asked me to run on a density platform. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but when I started to do the research, study the history and read the minutes, I had to tell them that I could not run on a density platform.

Public griping bad for kids

Today I had a friend tell me that he had heard one of our parents from Fayette County Youth Baseball Association call and leave his grief on a phone line set up at a local radio station. This parent from our community phoned in to air his grief against my son's coach. This comment was inappropriate and uncalled for. This comment was played on a local radio station here in Atlanta. Several friends have told me they heard it.

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