Wednesday, October 17, 2001

In defense of Frank Hyde . . .

In reply to Matthew L. Dunfee's letter of Oct 10: Matthew, you spoke so elegantly about the rights of immigrants, and then in the same paragraph you sought to take away from Mr. Hyde the right that all of us are granted, freedom of speech.

Now, Matthew, if you would take a poll and ask other Americans or just people from Georgia and they were honest, they would tell you that the jibber-jabber in the grocery store bothers them too. You see, most of us feel "before you cross the border and come here illegally, you should be able to read, write and speak English. You see sir, it's the language of our country."

If you could ask 4,300 people in the trade center, "Should America close immigration to countries who are known enemies of our country, or should we just let them come in and let the F.B.I watch them?" Ask the families of innocent people who had mothers, fathers, wives and husbands killed, and I guarantee you that their opinions have changed since Sept. 11.

Too long our borders and immigration have let in all the trash of other countries. Cuba sent us their criminals, and we had to feed and house them. People who come to this country have more rights than people born here. Yes, we all are Americans and there are many Mr. Hydes and quite a few more since Sept. 11.

Speaking of freedom, what freedom? We can't fly in an airplane without being afraid, we are afraid to go to large gatherings, people with small airplanes have lost their freedom to fly ... I could go on. All that freedom was lost when we opened our borders, and the result is we don't know who the enemy is. He could be in Lawrenceville working out or in Wal-Mart shopping, and using jibber-jabber.

LeGay Saul


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