Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Rower: Here's info to clear up any confusion on developers' impact fees

There seems to be confusion throughout the community over developer impact fees and how they are affecting the budget of Peachtree City.

Impact fees are the charges levied aght on by their residential development. When you build new subdivisions, you might need to add a new fire station, improve a playground, or other specific improvements, all set forth in our code of ordinances. (This information is available on the Peachtree City website,

In an effort to resolve the confusion, I have put together a brief summary of where we are, where we are going and how we have gotten here.

We are approaching build-out and we are seeing a corresponding reduction in impact-fee-related revenue. This is neither a surprise nor unplanned. With the decrease in new construction, we are also seeing a reduction in the need for additional facilities specifically related to that growth.

Your city staff has been on top of this situation for years. This year's projected impact fee revenue is less than 2 percent of the budget. Current projections show impact fee revenue decreasing to zero in 2008.

This information is not new. I was personally briefed on this information more than three years ago and the projections had been in place long before then.

Our community is prepared today for the changes we face in the near future and we will continue to plan for changes beyond the horizon. Hopefully this information will resolve some of the confusion surrounding impact fees.

Gary Rower

Candidate for mayor of Peachtree City

ainst developers to help offset the cost of the additional requirements broug

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