Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Former PTC planning commissioner endorses Brown, Weed for council

Time for a change

The election for mayor and city council scheduled for November 6 is a watershed event for Peachtree City. With build-out rapidly approaching, and with the loss of impact fees, the city will be facing budgetary and financial problems never experienced in the past. To solve these problems and continue the high quality of living we have enjoyed in the past will require new ideas, fiscal restraint and close cooperation with all local governments to avoid duplication of services. We can no longer afford to do business as usual.

I have lived in Fayette County for 30-plus years including 10 years in Fayetteville, 10 years in the county and the past 11 years in Peachtree City. I recently served three years on the Peachtree City Planning Commission. I believe strongly in preserving the quality of life we enjoy in Fayette County. The most important thing we can do is to learn the issues, to question the candidates, and to vote. I was extremely pleased to see such a large turnout at the Rotary Club forum. I have been asked by several of my friends and associates for my thoughts and recommendations for each office.

In the race for mayor I am supporting Steve Brown. I think Steve has the talent and the ability to provide the leadership that will be needed in the future. Some of the candidates are attempting to paint Steve as the negative candidate. Not true: Steve has only the best interest of Peachtree City in mind and has the talent and energy to articulate his views.

Steve maintains his knowledge current by attending ARC planning classes as well as having a strong background in land use planning. I served on the Peachtree City Planning commission for three years and Steve is the only mayoral candidate to appear at any meeting. He was also the only candidate I ever saw in attendance at city council meetings of the ones I attended.

[Mayoral candidate Dan] Lakly has had his time and we now need fresh ideas. At the Rotary Forum [candidate Gary] Rower indicated an elitist approach when discussing his position the bond issues. He does not believe the citizens should even vote on these bonds but leave it to the mayor and council.

Remember [Mayor Bob] "I know more about Peachtree City than anyone" Lenox? It is puzzling to me that the minute a person becomes a candidate he becomes smarter than the voters. I don't think that is the type of leadership we want or need again in Peachtree City. Mr. Rower is also pro-annexation which means he is pro high density. That is a fact. [Candidate Frank] Murphy seems to want to keep the status quo but has no ideas of how to finance it.

For Council Post 3 I have a small dilemma. Both [Nancy] Faulkner and [incumbent Steve] Rapson are strong candidates with each having strengths in different areas.

I believe Ms. Faulkner has an excellent knowledge of city operations including the budgetary, planning and administrative functions. I believe Mr. Rapson has an excellent knowledge of the financial process, the budgetary process as well as a good working knowledge of the city's administrative system.

The one apprehension I have concerning Mr. Rapson is the issue of nepotism concerning his wife. I do not believe Mr. Rapson on his own would make any decisions contrary to the best interest of the city; however, as his wife's position is under the city manager he may at some time have to consider her interest.

Some people manage by leadership and some even in this day still manage by fear and intimidation. I believe either candidate will do an excellent job in Council Post 3.

For Council Post 4 I am supporting Mr. Murray Wood. I believe his background and experience makes him the right candidate at the right time for the right position. He will bring to the council new and fresh ideas based on his previous employment and his superior knowledge of intergovernmental relationships. He has firm principles and ethics.

I believe Mrs. Fritz has to run on her record. Let me just summarize [her] highlights: Voted to approve big-box stores, voted for 1,500 new apartments, voted for a city charter change (supposedly at her urging) which only served to benefit the city manager and the city attorney. I saw no benefit to the citizens of Peachtree City as a result of this charter manipulation. As stated at the Rotary Club forum, she is pro-annexation and pro-high density as stated above concerning Mr. Rower. Mrs. Fritz has to share the responsibility for the daily two-to-three-mile traffic lines at Ga. highways 54 and 74.

In closing, I would be happy to discuss issues or candidates with anyone desiring further conversation. Let me again urge every citizen of Peachtree City to vote. The worse problem we face in this great country is not fear but apathy.

Willis J. Granger

Peachtree City

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