Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Why cancel F'ville trick or treat?

You may have probably heard that the Trick or Treat on Main Street [in Fayetteville] has been cancelled this year. I for one am very upset about this. (Please do not mistake my intentions. I am not doing this for my children.) I have two children, a 10-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy. Every year, they along with thousands of other children, look forward to going trick or treating on Halloween.

Through its wonderful generosity, Main Street started the Trick or Treat through Main Street on the Friday before Halloween. For many children, this is the only chance they have to go trick or treating safely. They are in a lighted area and go from door to door getting candy and treats from the local vendors. Parents can be assured that the children are going to get candy that's safe and it's a wonderful sense of community.

This year, however, it has been cancelled. After speaking with the Chief of Police, I understand some of the concerns regarding the safety of children crossing the streets. With the event taking place at rush hour on Friday, there are thousands of cars going through those intersections and someone could get hurt. This I can understand.

But, I have one question: Why couldn't we work to make a different arrangement at a different time instead of just canceling it? Why couldn't we move it across the street into the administration area? Why couldn't they move it to Saturday morning or Saturday afternoon?

It's hard enough on our children to see the tragic events of Sept. 11. It's hard enough for them to hear talk of it happening again somewhere else. It's hard enough that my daughter is only 10 years old and the U.S. has been at war twice in her life.

The event doesn't have anything to do with adults. It's for the children. Why can't we come up with a compromise? Why do some children have to miss out on trick or treating and forget the worries of the world for a few hours and just be kids? Can you please help me understand?

A confused mom

Name withheld

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