Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Public griping bad for kids

Today I had a friend tell me that he had heard one of our parents from Fayette County Youth Baseball Association call and leave his grief on a phone line set up at a local radio station. This parent from our community phoned in to air his grief against my son's coach. This comment was inappropriate and uncalled for. This comment was played on a local radio station here in Atlanta. Several friends have told me they heard it.

This was a parent in our community, possibly even a coach, that we have trusted to role-model for our sons. This sickens me. I find that incident ironic that only yesterday I purchased a book for my children, "The Good Citizen's Handbook." I feel that so much of this has been lost.

How can we teach our children to behave and treat each other as we would like to be treated, when we scream out across the air waves our gripes rather than speaking to one another in a normal tone of voice? To treat another with respect seems so simple, yet I am finding it is more difficult to see evidence.

Tamela Tew Ragsdale

Proud mother of a 9-10 STORM baseball player

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