The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Tie vote dooms added EMS slots

In 2000, it took an average of eight minutes, 15 seconds for an ambulance to get to an emergency scene in Fayette County, compared to six minutes 50 seconds in 1999.

PTC OKs fixes for 54­74

Instead of waiting for the Wal-Mart/Home Depot developer to build road improvements for the Ga. Highway 54/74 intersection, the Peachtree City Council has approved funding five short-term road improvements for the area.

Fines, jail time part of new county water law

Residents who violate Fayette County's new ordinance governing outdoor watering would be subject to fines up to $1,000 or up to six months in jail, or both.

5 head into last days of county commission race

Fayette County voters will choose from among five candidates for County Commission Post 3 in a special election to replace Commissioner Harold Bost Tuesday, June 19, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

County eyes $65.25 million budget

Fayette County will pay off the mortgage if county commissioners approve the $65.25 million budget proposed by staff.

Discussion of separate judicial circuit continues

Talk of trying to make Fayette County into its own judicial circuit has, so far, not progressed beyond the discussion stage.

Burger King hit second time by armed robbers

For the second time in less than a month, an armed robbery has been reported at Fayetteville's Burger King.

P&Z likes SprintCom's new tower plan

Adding ten feet to the height of an existing communications tower is better than building a new tower.

Tyrone to fight Callaway judgment

The legal maneuvering between the town of Tyrone and developer John Callaway will continue.

No tax hike for Tyrone

Tyrone's proposed budget for next year is going up, but taxes will remain the same.

Candidates field questions in forums

Although the length of time for campaigning is much shorter than usual, the public has been provided more opportunities than usual to hear the views of candidates for County Commission Post 3.

At 109, Miss Lizzie joins the UDC

"Miss Lizzie" McEachern Brown, at the tender age of 109, was asked to join an organization that is just a few years younger than she.

Finalists selected for Governor's Honors program

While most Fayette County students will be enjoying time away from school this summer, some students will continue their learning experiences as they participate in the 2001 Georgia Governor's Honors program.

Wells leaving Battered Women's Council post

Fayette County Commissioner Linda Wells will retire from her position as director of the Fayette County Council on Battered Women effective June 30.

Collins to address GED grads

More than 100 students from Fayette County will be among those receiving GED certificates from Griffin Technical College Saturday in a ceremony at 2 p.m. at the First Assembly of God Church on Ga. Highway 92 south.

PSC approves $44.6 Million refund for Georgia Power customers

The Public Service Commission today approved a $44.6 million refund for Georgia Power customers effective for the July billing cycle. The Commission ordered refund would be approximately $10.33 for the average residential user provided that he or she was an active customer of Georgia Power on January 2, 2001. The Commission's order in Georgia Power's 1998 rate case requires that the refund be made because the utility is earning more than its allowed return on equity.

Police Blotter

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