The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

No tax hike for Tyrone


Tyrone's proposed budget for next year is going up, but taxes will remain the same.

That's the news Town manager Barry Amos delivered to the Town Council Thursday night.

The proposed budget is $2.42 million, compared to last year's $2.27 budget. The 6-percent increase in the budget will be offset by the increased tax digest, he added.

The biggest share of the budget nearly $759,000 goes to the town's Police Department. Tyrone Police Chief Roger Spencer currently has 11 officers in his department, and plans to hire another one in January, along with purchasing two more vehicles.

The town has also identified five capital projects for the next year.

Nearly $80,000 is budgeted for patching streets before resurfacing is started.

The second phase of the new baseball field complex will occur this year. Cost on the completion is $97,000, with nearly $70,000 going for fencing.

The town will also spend $30,000 for the beautification of Ga. Highway 74. Amos said the town will do plantings later this year to help dress up the corridor.

Tyrone will also continue building its multi-use path project by building a path along Arrowood Road from Senoia Road to Palmetto Road at a cost of $114,000.

The final capital project also involves another multi-use path from the end of the sidewalk on Senoia Road to the new park on Handley Road at a cost of $35,000.

The town will vote on the final budget at its June 22 meeting.

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