The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

PSC approves $44.6 Million refund for Georgia Power customers

The Public Service Commission today approved a $44.6 million refund for Georgia Power customers effective for the July billing cycle. The Commission ordered refund would be approximately $10.33 for the average residential user provided that he or she was an active customer of Georgia Power on January 2, 2001. The Commission's order in Georgia Power's 1998 rate case requires that the refund be made because the utility is earning more than its allowed return on equity.

In other action, the Commission approved the schedule for hearings in the upcoming Georgia Power rate case. Hearings will be held September 10-14, October 22-26 and November 19-21. The Commission is scheduled to issue a decision on the rate case at a Special Administrative Session on December 20, 2001.

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