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Wednesday, April 4, 2001

Redistricting: actions louder than words

All the figures from the 2000 U.S. Census are now available and in the hands of Georgia lawmakers, who are wishing they had a ten-foot pole to handle them with.

When teens talk, this is what they say
One Citizen's Perspective

Don't think that all teens are about this or that. I am just one person, with a very personal take on life. Don't blame me as an individual for some collective teen problem that seems to exist in society.

Keys to coping with getting old
Laugh Lines

The past week has been a strange one. All of a sudden, I have gotten to see a bunch of old friends from college. Boy, they all have gotten so old.


Pilot: Paper should not print nameless letters

I would like to take an opportunity to respond to the letter in Wednesday's paper headlined, "Delta Pilots: What's fair wage for cry babies?" As a Delta pilot and former co-worker of Russ Switzer, I will not even attempt to answer the bitter and vitriolic personal attack on Russ. To stoop to the writer's level and attempt to answer the emotional charges item by item would be a complete waste of my time.

Medical communication needs improvement

I take no joy in writing this letter, and I recognize this letter may go no further than the office shredder.

4-H: No whining here

I enjoyed reading [the] follow-up letter concerning my "written attack" of Ms. Buchanan's letter. I do not feel I was attacking anyone, just making an observation. Let me add a few things:

'Anonymous' letter: Outrageous!

Outrageous! How dare you print a letter that so impugns so many of your readers without so much as a byline!

How to become a PTC political contender

What one must do to become a successful politician: I have thought this out for years and believe I come to the right conclusion. Here are some pointers.

Anti-pilot-strike letter a case of 'class, professional' envy

I ran across this piece of tripe while scanning the net, and in my opinion, it is an obvious case of class, professional, abilities envy.

85% of Delta pilots likely will stay on the job

While I agree with the sentiments of the posting, I think the author is also a crybaby.

Pilot pay and whining: It's all relative, bubba

An anonymous writer took issue with the Delta pilots ongoing action with their company's managerial decisions and if I may, I would like to address this masked phantom writer.

No complaints about pilot pay here

The writer of Wednesday's castigation of Russell Switzer cannot have known Russell Switzer personally, or surely he would have picked another person on whom to vent his rage.

Some just want to keep our jobs

I couldn't agree more [with "crybabies" letter]. I'm a DL flight attendant, and I have to put up with these arrogant pilots who think they are Delta Airlines.

Attack letter reflects on paper

I am constantly amused at the letters to the editor about Delta pilots printed in your newspaper. As a pilot, I actually enjoy reading your editorial section.

"Free training'? Ask these pilots

So, Mr. Businessman, small-seated, self-sacrificing lawyer who never took a dime from the government, expert on the Delta pilot's contract and way of life, John Wayne imitation, go into battle with just a rifle combat infantryman, doesn't have the jjuevos [sic] to sign his pewling letter. At least Mr. Switzer stood in front of the camera and spoke his mind.

To complaining Delta pilots: Please!

I agree: What current pilot did not know what he was getting into when hired to become a Delta flight officer?

Pilots forget they're part of a team

God bless this person. I was employed by Delta for 35 years and was able to retire two years ago. I didn't want to leave the company but the attitudes of the pilot group has made it a very different place to work.

Delta quality being eroded by pilots

Whoever wrote that article hit it right on the head.

PTC bond proposal misses mark for teens

At first read ,the proposal to build almost $14 million in new public infrastructure sounds good. But several ominous statements clouded the issues. "Instead of letting the people who live here now pay for it ,let future residents...." "... a $5 million community center an investment for enhancement of property values but totally optional."

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