Wednesday, April 4, 2001

How to become a PTC political contender

What one must do to become a successful politician: I have thought this out for years and believe I come to the right conclusion. Here are some pointers.

To run for a political seat in an election you must first convince a local news source to print all your campaign literature, no matter how shallow it is. Sell your soul, so to speak.

When you receive the backing from the news source, there will be no more freedom on your part. All proposed laws and edicts before the powers to be will be dictated by this news source.

Next, and most important, is name recognition. How will this come about? Not to worry. The news source will see to that.

Next, inflame the populace. How do? Blast the establishment. Campaign anti-everything. There's no need to be for anything.

One must realize that if there is a concerted effort to rail against everything the elected officials are attempting to legislate, there is a chance some people will follow. There is a saw that goes, "The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his behind." This holds true in many cases.

I and many American men and women went to war some 60 years ago and fought a man named Adolf Hitler who gained power in this manner. He railed against the Jewish people and eventually succeeded in getting enough power to annihilate thousands of innocent people.

There will be an election soon here in our city and county. Do you know anyone who fits this description? Is there someone who seeks to be top rooster in the flock? You know, the rooster who crows the loudest gets the largest percentage of the hens.

It's my hope that we will not be fooled and fall for some candidate who has only one platform against everything, for nothing.

Frank Hyde

Peachtree City


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