What do you really think?

Thu, 10/20/2005 - 1:57pm
By: The Citizen

E-mail us your pithy opinions, your short takes on life in Fayette and environs, your gotta-get-it-off-your-chest questions or sound-offs. E-mails only to editor@TheCitizen.com. Put Free Speech in your subject line and include your contribution as the body text of your e-mail. No signature required. No phone calls, faxes or snail-mail letters, please. No personal attacks on private persons, but just about any aspect of public life is fair game.

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muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Mon, 05/29/2006 - 5:06pm.

"the fact that groups such as this can now find purchase as something that appeals to certain people rather than being dismissed for social reasons, as undoubtably they would have 30 or 50 years ago, is a positive sign of growth, not decline."

How far shall we take such an argument, rodent?

Unless there are principled reasons for putting some stops into the system, God knows what an argument like this would justify. Is it "anything goes" for you, or are there principles that you wish to defend? If the latter, then the crux is whether the logical choice precludes today's filth or would allow for a deeper descent. If the former, then there is a reductio ad absurdum lurking nearby. Let's here what you really *think*; not just what you *feel* as absorbing the very cultural air about you.

Also, I wonder whether your assessment that such things are a "positive" sign is a diguised moral judgment. In what sense is it "positive"? On what sort of criterion?

Your "Change the channel!" reaction is the sort of knee jerk response that one might have predicted of anyone incapable of wading in any deeper than what American pop culture has to offer.

Do you have anything of more substance to say?

By the way, don't point out the typos of others with an arrogant "(sic)" when your own posts include such gems as "undoubtably" and "enlighted." The better course, I think, is to assume a typo. I know that my own posts have not been clean in this respect.


"Every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace."
--Duane Allman

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 05/29/2006 - 8:07pm.

Surely you wouldn't deny the Squirrel his choice of TV viewing would you? He is however entitled to his first ammendment rights. How could you possibly deny him the pleasure of viewing PTV (Pedophile TV) or his favorite...The Wife Beating Channel. What would an animal like him do with out BTV (The Bestiality Channel)? And what would a night be without seeing a squirrel go both ways with an armadillo? Perhaps Comcast will soon air the new do-it-yourself drug user show. You know....how to brew meth, finding the right vein for the quickest rush, and don't forget the ever popular home brew hashish show. It would be best though if we censored him from the AN*L Sex Channel.

Why should we be worried what is broadcasted? All we have to do is tell our kids and your grandkids to close their eyes when the inappropriate scenes pop up. According to the dressed up rat this is all acceptable programming for our progressive times.

Submitted by loveptc on Mon, 05/29/2006 - 8:20pm.

Gotta love Git Real! Great post!

Submitted by loveptc on Mon, 05/29/2006 - 1:28pm.

Did you not even read my post? I said I don't have kids. I said that it must be hard to raise kids with stuff like this flying under the parents noses.
I was not "griping, complaining or otherwise getting in a froth" as you put it.
I simply asked for other peoples opnion on this video.
Sounds like you have alot of anger issues.

Submitted by JHR on Sun, 05/28/2006 - 9:49am.

Note to the the driver of a green van, license APG 3002. Thanks for crossing a solid white line from the straight only lane to the right turn only lane at the last second at the intersection of Highway 314 and Highway 85. I brake with my left foot. That shorter reaction time is all that kept me from hitting you. Then, you crossed a solid yellow line to a left turn lane on Highway 85. You need to attend Driving Rules 101 before you kill yourself or someone else. Do you have any idea why the lines are solid and not broken?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 05/27/2006 - 3:55pm.


Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Sat, 05/27/2006 - 12:18pm.

Here is the problem! Each week I retieve one to three beer bottles that have been deposited into my yard from passing automobiles. The bottles are predominately Bud Light. Now, is it that the sale of Bud Light is such that, due to pure statistical data, more Bud Light is sold or is it that the purchasers of Bud Light drink and drive and have no respect for other people's property and are, basically, slobs?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 05/27/2006 - 3:57pm.

I believe Loopie that you scumbag Bud Light tosser is probably the same guy. He makes his stop at the quick stop and puts it down on his commute home. Your property is properly timed for the finishing of his brew while driving. Even a DUI scumbag has a little brain power going on up there so he realizes he has to get rid of the bottle in case he gets pulled over. His timing probably happens about the time he passes your property and you property is probably at a spot in the road where he feels he can safely chunk it.

Now here's what you do..... Practice up on you skeet shooting. Find out what time he comes through each day probably after work. When you see his arm come out the window then BLAMMY. Nail the bottle. That's one point. If your quick enough and BLAMMY before he can release the bottle you moght get his hand too. Well....let's just say that would be worth two points.

We have one on our road that throws his fast food bags and drink cup out the window onto the road everyday at the same time in the same place on the curve of the road. What a mess. Sure do wish I was a better shot though. Oh well. I'll get him soon enough as I believe in the blind hog theory. "Even a blind hog will find an acorn every now and then.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sat, 05/27/2006 - 7:16pm.

There is a Convenience Store that sells cheap, redneck beer, just about 10 minutes away from your house and on the route between this guy's work and his home. He has the same daily routine: stops and buys $hi-ty beer, pops it open and furtively drinks one--or two--and then discards the bottles when he finishes (if no one is looking) right about at your property.

The skeet shooting advice is sound in my humble opinion.


"Every time I'm in Georgia I eat a peach for peace."
--Duane Allman

Submitted by Vernon on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 6:54pm.

As an employee of Fayette Co. I attended the appreciation lunch last week. Thank You to the people that organized it and made it happen, the food was good and it was nice to talk to people in other departments. Of course Dunn & the other Commissioners were there - huddled together and whispering to each other, except the newest guy (Horgan), who spoke to folks. Dunn, why waste your time coming to a function such as this if you don't want to lower your high & mighty self to circulate among us peons that suffer from your actions. I just wish I had some bumper stickers for someone running against you to pass out while I was there.
Again, the overall experience of the lunch was a good one and Thank You agin to all you wonderful organizers.

Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Sun, 05/14/2006 - 6:21pm.

Reference the article in Saturday's The Tyrone Citizen "Annexation plans bracket Tyrone on north and south.
As no one has addressed the changing outline of both Peachtree City and Fairburn in either The Citizens' Blog or Letters to the Editor, it seems time to present an alternative; i.e. all inclusive plans that would include Tyrone.
It is obvious that Georgia Highway 74 is well on its way to becoming another Memorial Drive! Additional commercial businesses crop up daily. Apartments and condos are being built on or near this thoroughfare. A major shopping center is being developed in Fairburn. Kedron Village is adding numerous shops, service centers, restaurants, etc. etc. And, probably, rightly so! Georgia Highway 74 is a major highway promoting easy access to Atlanta for work and play and to Hartsfield/Jackson Airport for national and international travel.
But, Tyrone continues to struggle with its problems! Residential development not in accordance with zoning and the purchasing sewerage from outside of Fayette County is limiting, at best. Tyrone has the highest tax rates in the County, has a non-responsive Mayor and Town Council, parks have not been maintained or funded, a town maintenance crew that tries but is seriously understaffed, no code enforcement officer, constant turmoil over a library coupled with the subsequent cost to Tyrone's taxpayers, etc.etc.
Currently, Tyrone has well run police force! It works in conjunction with the other law enforcement entities in the county by maintaining law and order within its borders. The major portion of their enforcement is on Georgia Highway 74. This highway is also patrolled by Georgia State Patrol, the Fayette County Sheriff's Office, Peachtree City, Fulton County and Fairburn. Absorbing the Tyrone Police Department into either the Peachtree City or Fayette County's police force would make good financial sense.

The county already provides dispatch service to both police and emergency services.

The county already provides fire protection for the Town of Tyrone.

Peachtree City has an outstanding maintenance crew that maintains that city. If fact, many services provided to Tyrone are now provided by Peachtree City.

Both the county and Peachtree City have viable administrative services that could provide the required oversight currently being funded by Tyrone citizens by a duplication of services, such as budgeting, accounting, purchasing, library services, storm water management, erosion control, zoning and rezoning, land use, etc.

Instead of constant bickering between members of Council, the developers and citizens about sewage and how to receive more capacity, annexation by Peachtree City would pave the way to maintaining proper sewerage control through Peachtree City facilities and provide the proper level of service that the people of Tyrone deserve.

Annexation of Tyrone by Peachtree City would eliminate redundant management and reduce the cost of maintaining the same.

Think about it, folks! Lower taxes, conceivably higher property values, more consistent services, better compliance with State and county code and ordinances coupled with cost savings through consolidation of purchasing, accounting and other municipal services! Also consider a savings of over one million dollars by expanding the current library and not building a new library and, not to mention, saving the thousands of dollars that would be required to maintain the new facility. Annexation would provide equitable funding for both the parks and road improvements.

But, would Peachtree City want Tyrone? Discussions concerning this proposal are in order.

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 4:47pm.


Janetoutofthebox's picture
Submitted by Janetoutofthebox on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 8:04pm.

First of all people who write entirely in caps are usually mentally challenged. This you seem to have proved with your above comments. One of the tons of things a police officer does is to enforce traffic laws. It is obvious that their enforcement is having a positive effect on the traffic habits of folks traveling through PTC. It has for me. I got a ticket five years ago on Peachtree Parkway and the fact is that I was guilty of a moving violation. I paid the ticket, didn't whine, and every time I travel that road I constantly monitor my speed. What if the PTC officers didn't enforce the speed limits. The parkway would be like driving on 285 at 10:00 at night at speeds of probably 65 by some fools. PTC cops don't go around pulling innocent people over who are doing nothing wrong. I have traveled through there for 20 years and when I'm doing nothing wrong I don't get pulled over.

As for the clowns parking in handicapped spots. At least they're not endangering anyone's lives. I would however, like to see their tires flattened.

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Wed, 03/29/2006 - 11:35am.

Why is is so important to you if I use caps or not? And for you to say that I am mentally challenged, that is quite offensive. That is not something you just throw around like that. What an ignorant person you are! When a child on a golf cart totals your car becase they ran a stop sign and they cops do nothing to help you, then you come back and talk to me. Until then, keep your ignorant comments to yourself. I think that it is wrong that cops are writing all these stupid tickets that they could give warnings for when they could be out regulating some of these children on the golf carts. You need to check your English before you go calling me mentally challenged. Also, next time, pay attention to the original comment that is posted because I was not talking about speeding at all. The girl/boy said that she got a ticket for sitting in a fire lane. They give warnings for speeding which kills thousands of people a year but they cannot give a warning for sitting in the fire lane. How many people does that kill each year?? None that I have ever heard of.

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 6:08am.

Granted, you are not stupid because you use all caps, angry and immature yes, but not stupid. The stupid however applies about parking in a fire lane. Delaying firefighters by even the 60 seconds it will take them to move an ILLEGALLY PARKED CAR (see that's how you use capital letters) could put many lives at risk in a burning building. Why do you think they make these laws - just to inconveinece you? Believe me it is not about people like you.

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 3:23am.

There's a cap lock button on the left side of the keyboard, third from the top or bottom, either one. It's very easy to find...

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 12:19pm.


Submitted by gabelle67 on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 10:06pm.

Your yelling again FOOL. Guess thats the only way you can get someone to listen to you.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 8:32am.

In forum etiquette Caps means you are yelling. It is impolite and many Forum Admin have added mods to their scripts preventing posters from doing it.

So, it means you are doing wild eyed screaming in text.

LogicAndPhilosophy's picture
Submitted by LogicAndPhilosophy on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 8:35pm.

Stupid Driving Situation #1. You are at an intersection wanting to make a right turn. You have a red light. What do you do, oh what do you do? You think hard, really really hard. Then you decide to make the turn forcing a driver going straight through the intersection with a green light to slow down. Alas, you have successfully joined the jerk club.

Submitted by danekes on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 3:02pm.

actually, you are supposed to yield in that situation and wait for traffic to go by. you want to see some stupid drivers??? take I-85 South to I-185 South and get off in Columbus. Stupid Driver Central!! i've almost been killed a handful of times....and that's in one week

Submitted by jeffshay on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 3:22pm.

Thank you to the PTC Police Officer who had nothing better to do than to sit at Wal-mart and give me a citation for sitting in the car at the front of Wal-Mart while waiting for my mom. You should be out on the streets giving tickets to people who go thru a pure RED light and cause deadly accidents. My mother ran in to get flowers to take to a friend and I thought she would be right out. If a fire were to break out, I would have moved out of the fire lane. I wasn't causing any harm to anyone.

Submitted by gabelle67 on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 10:08pm.

You werent doing any harm to anyone...but you were BREAKING THE LAW. Another law breaking fool. Too lazy to park & watch for your mom to come out. Lazy

Submitted by eaglejim on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 5:17pm.

Please note where it says FIRE LANE DO NOT PARK.I will bet that you don't do that again,you broke the law and got what you needed to get,and if you can do it why can't I or my frends or your frends and their frends and so on.I here walking is good to keep you in shape anyways.

Submitted by JHR on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 4:09pm.

John Regan

Now, we all know that the police are the only ones allowed to block the fire lanes, at least in their thinking. They park in the fire lane and leave their cars unattended for long perids of time.

LogicAndPhilosophy's picture
Submitted by LogicAndPhilosophy on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 8:38pm.

Clearly quoto time. Only 10 more ticket writing days till the end of the month.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 03/21/2006 - 4:02pm.

What makes you more important than others? I've waited for someone before at a store. Not by sitting in the Fire Lane. I sit back and watch for them to come out, pull up and get them, and then go on my merry way.

What if EVERYONE did as you did?

diablo_ogre's picture
Submitted by diablo_ogre on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 1:24pm.

My parents bought a house here in fayetteville in 96 so I have been kicking around fayetteville for the last 10 years and just recenntly bought my first house here in fayetteville myself and I just wanted to comment on some of the service at the restraunts here in fayetteville.
Some restraunts have excellent service while others are just plain horrible. Since I can get in trouble for name which ones I have had a horrible time at I will just list the ones that Always have excellent service. First of the chick-fil-a on the south side of fayetteville. They have some of the nicest staff you could ask for . always polite and freindly and will go out of there way if there is something you need not like there compition directly across the street. The China Bistro ..Excellent. freindly staff and very good food , their lunch specials are a very good bargin. Locos is another restraunt with very nice wait staff with good food. And HOTLANTA WINGS , what a deal!! I can stuff myself all day long there. Du Rocks Bar-b-que I have freinds from out of state that come and visit me just to get to eat there stuffed baked potatoe its so good. Unfortunatly there are more restraunts on my " I don't think I will eat there again list" not because of food qaulity but because of there customer service skills. A lot of these people act like when a customer comes in and orders that it is a pain in there day and wishs the customer would just go away instead of glad that people are coming in and ordering keeping them in business and being employeed. Has anyone else had bad service experinces in fayetteville?

Submitted by conehead on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 3:34am.

I'll say it, the towne center McDonalds competes only with itself on the top 5 list of all time bad McDonalds. The original one in town is much better. I Recently went to El Charro in Griffin and beside the excellent food, we had service that was out of this world. You are certainly not alone in getting bad service in F-ville. Loco's takes good care of us. So does the Chicago Eatery off 74 in PTC. Mike & C's has good wait staff most of the time too.

Submitted by JHR on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 4:30pm.

John Regan

Heavens! Please learn how to spell or use spell check. Highlight, Edit, and Copy your article, then simply paste to Word, Word Perfect, or even e-mail and spell check your article. Print it out and return to this site to correct your mistakes. You might even learn something. You must be a graduate of the old Fayette County school system. You won't make it in college or business with your spelling.

Submitted by Doug Powell on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 2:11pm.

You Delta pilots are too much. Of course your salaries are less than AirTran: AirTran is making money. Just in case you've been snoozing in the cockpit, Delta is loosing money. How do YOU spell B-A-N-K-R-U-P-T-C-Y? You say you're educated and can seek employment elsewhere? By all means go ahead, but you should refrain from applying for positions in the field of economics.

Submitted by conehead on Sat, 03/11/2006 - 4:20am.

Who stomps out a fire and then complains because it won't produce enough heat to keep them warm? A Pilot. That's it.

MeNPTC's picture
Submitted by MeNPTC on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 7:04am.


The decision of the board was correct for some schools but making no decision on any schools left Peachtree City Elementary with the same over crowding problem that it has had for years. I am puzzled why the school board would choose not to improve this situation when other nearby schools are under utilized. Not addressing the over crowding at Peachtree City Elementary has caused problems with, the quality of education, safety and security at the school, and has caused the county additional unnecessary cost in the use of portable buildings.
The quality of education at Peachtree City Elementary is compromised by, overcrowded classrooms, portable classrooms that are so noisy when the HVAC is running the children cannot here the teacher and vise versa. If you have experienced the noise of the air conditioners, running in the portable buildings you would know that the noise makes a very poor environment to teach.
Allowing our children to go to and from the portable buildings at the PTC Elementary school is a security problem that no one at the board has addressed. In fact, they have created a situation that would make it relatively easy for a predator to lurk between the buildings waiting for an unsuspecting child going from the portables to the school building.
All taxpayers should be appalled that the school board would pay for additional utilities and portable buildings when they already have empty classrooms that are available near by. These are classrooms that they are already paying utilities on but are sitting empty. Where is the fiscal responsibility in that!
Now that 41 children from the Pinegate subdivision have voluntarily transferred from PTC Elementary to Kedron, to alleviate the over crowding, the FCBOE will not provide a school bus. Worse then that is that an under utilized school bus is available at the end of the subdivision that picks up from the Honeysuckle subdivision. One would have to ask again, why the board would not want to fully utilize the resources available. I guess they would rather have an extra 20 or 30 cars on the road and in the drop off circle at Kedron Elementary.

Submitted by did not know on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 12:22pm.

It is ...our...tax money! They are elected and PAID to care for our children's best interest. Tell them, don't ask them, for a [[[[[[[[edited]]]]]] bus! You know you have a bunch of whimps in office and we made a mistake at the polls. Do something about it...MAKE THEM GIVE YOU A BUS!!!!!

Submitted by websterptc on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 9:15pm.

What I said last year was true then and is even more so this year. The administrator's kid does not belong on that team. All the goals scored against that team happend when the Ad-kid was in on defense. The 40 or 50 school workers who signed the letter condeming me last year must have never attended a game. This year it is even more obvious. And it is time for the administrator to stop his stroll over to the bench that is immediately followed by his kid being put back in. If you still disagree, go to a game!

MeNPTC's picture
Submitted by MeNPTC on Sat, 03/04/2006 - 7:26pm.

The decision of the board for not moving children was correct for some schools but making no decision on any schools left Peachtree City Elementary with the same over crowding problem that it has had for years. I am puzzled why the school board would choose not to improve this situation when other nearby schools are under utilized. Not addressing the over crowding at Peachtree City Elementary has caused problems with, the quality of education, safety and security and at the school, and has caused the county additional unnecessary cost in the use of portable buildings.
The quality of education at Peachtree City Elementary is compromised by, overcrowded classrooms, portable classrooms that are so noisy when the HVAC is running the children cannot here the teacher and vise versa. If you have experienced the noise of the air conditioners, running in the portable buildings you would know that the noise makes a very poor environment to teach.
Allowing our children to go to and from the portable buildings at the PTC Elementary school is a security problem that no one at the board has addressed. In fact, they have created a situation that would make it relatively easy for a predator to lurk between the buildings waiting for an unsuspecting child going from the portables to the school building.
All taxpayers should be appalled that the school board would pay for additional utilities and portable buildings when they already have empty classrooms that are available near by. These are classrooms that they are already paying utilities on but are sitting empty. Where is the fiscal responsibility in that!
Now that 41 children from the Pinegate subdivision have voluntarily transferred from PTC Elementary to Kedron, to alleviate the over crowding, the FCBOE will not provide a school bus. Worse then that is that an under utilized school bus is available at the end of the subdivision that picks up from the Honeysuckle subdivision. One would have to ask again, why the board would not want to fully utilize the resources available. I guess they would rather have an extra 20 or 30 cars on the road and in the drop off circle at Kedron Elementary.


Submitted by PTCRES on Thu, 02/23/2006 - 6:21am.

RE: My comment about adopting babies instead of aborting them. You wanted me to post my name in the paper. Well, I don't think so. You see I'm afraid you might resort to violence if I do. Also, you and I both know how hard it is to adopt a baby in this country. My point still stands; abortion is murder. We don't come from cows or dogs, we come from humans and when an abortionist removes fetal tissue he is killing a human. What is so hard to understand about that? You same people who protest the war will turn right around and have an abortion. What's the difference? Killing is killing.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:06pm.

Help me out with the protest the war then have an abortion thing. I'm confused

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 4:53am.

You happen to be in a fertility clinic when a terrible fire breaks out. You have only seconds to act.
There is a two year old child, separated from his mom in the hellish smoke. He is crying and screaming for his mother.
There are five fertilized eggs in cryogenic storage behind you.
You can either save the one child or the five "humans" (as you call them).
What is your choice? The two year old boy or the five fertilized eggs?

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 6:02am.

If you have an ice chest with you, you take the 5 eggs. You did say the kid was sceaming and crying, right. If you save him he'll be sitting next to you on a four hour plane trip someday - screaming and crying. The eggs could mature into well-mannered little people if you raise them yourself.

Submitted by ajoj72000 on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 4:56pm.


Submitted by mlc2028 on Thu, 02/09/2006 - 4:51pm.

Since PTC gov't was brilliant enough to come up with the Big Box ordinance for department stores, it's a shame they didn't think ahead and create a "Small Box" or "Lunch Box" ordinance for all the restaurants that now sit vacant in PTC.

PUHLEEZE someone bring a Whataburger franchise to this town. We need a real hamburger joint that serves quality food with exceptional service and at a reasonable price.

Submitted by 1212 on Fri, 12/30/2005 - 10:01pm.

What happened at Wings and Things? went in this week to eat and the original wings and things taste like somebody tried to do a remake that didn't work! bring back the old wings or lose your customers.

Submitted by lanit145 on Tue, 01/10/2006 - 10:06am.

I miss the curly fries too!

Submitted by iluvthebubble on Thu, 12/08/2005 - 10:03pm.

I had a love-hate relationship with the old hard-copy free speech. Hated that people could be so mean-spirited--but loved the humor and great insights!

Submitted by Sailon on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 9:43am.

This was eliminated, I'm afraid, due to pressure of all sorts. When it gets right down to it, few really believe in true free speech. If your ox is getting gored on Sunday, you run the bull off and tend to your ox. If it is someone else's ox, he should wait til Monday.

Submitted by Sailon on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 7:32pm.

Does this post?

Submitted by Sailon on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 7:29pm.

Glory be! I found the way.

cmc865's picture
Submitted by cmc865 on Wed, 11/09/2005 - 3:26pm.

Your questions answered. No the department is not a union shop. However over 50% of the paid staff are members of the International Association of Firefighters who support issues such as increased safety in the workplace and legislative issues at a national and local level that affect our jobs. No we cannot strike. It is against our beliefs and in our charter. It is also against the law for any public safety union to strike. We would not put our community at risk. Instead we take our issues to you the public and ask for help by educating the public on the issues. Lastly, stop by the Peachtree City Fire Department and anyone would happily answer any questions you have. If we can't then we will get you in touch with the people who can answer your questions.

WatchDog's picture
Submitted by WatchDog on Wed, 11/02/2005 - 1:44pm.

Anybody figure out how to read this week's Free Speech or is that now this online stuff? I can't figure out how to pull it up online.

Submitted by questionable101 on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 10:35pm.

Click on the link to Free Speech on the header in blue and then on the date you are looking for. If you move your cursor over the date, it will change to allow you to click and read the free speech for the week.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Fri, 12/02/2005 - 8:10pm.

Is the Free Speech link in the header what you are looking for?

Submitted by proudDL on Wed, 10/26/2005 - 2:59pm.

Boy, did folks get their feelings hurt with the Delta comment! While accusing Delta employees of "walking on water", you must have been holding your head under it. It was NEVER stated that Delta was the only company to put Atlanta on the map...simply ONE of the companies. As far as Eastern being "king"; maybe in Miami, but not Atlanta. There was always a fun rivalry between the two about who would be the biggest or best for the month. Eastern would have 250 flights for the month and the next, Delta would have 260. I know...I grew up in a Delta/Eastern family. It was good dinner conversation (remember those?)to see what would happen next. Now, it's folks hoping Delta goes under because we deserve it. I have never expected anyone to bow to me, and I never thought I was better than someone, but I have never been ashamed to be a Delta employee either. In the early days in Atlanta, Delta was "THE" place to work...now it just a "place" to work; another victim of corporate greed, a la Frank Lorenzo. Also, you had better check again on the help that you say AirTran didn't receive. Never did it say AirTran wasn't paying their bills, but it is a fact that most upstart carriers get MANY breaks that the older carriers don't ever see. And since you say, "why pay twice for a ticket just to say you flew Delta?"...I'll bet you one of those high dollar tickets that you don't say the same thing when it comes to you buying Levi's versus Sears Toughskins, or Coke vs. Sam's Cola! Now all of a sudden you become "brand conscience" and cost is no object. Go figure!

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