DarthDubious: Imagine

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Congressman Ron Paul-(R) Texas
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of “keeping us safe” or “promoting democracy” or “protecting their strategic interests.”Imagine that they operated outside of US law, and that the Constitution did not apply to them. Imagine that every now and then they made mistakes or acted on bad information and accidentally killed or terrorized innocent Americans, including women and children, most of the time with little to no repercussions or consequences. Imagine that they set up checkpoints on our soil and routinely searched and ransacked entire neighborhoods of homes. Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and overwhelmingly thought America would be better off without their presence.

DarthDubious: Group Smeared As Terror Cell By Feds: Runs Soup Kitchens!!!

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Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, March 16, 2009

A member of the Missouri Militia has contacted us to express his outrage that the organization, which routinely works with local law enforcement to help find missing children, sponsors blood donation campaigns and soup kitchens, is being smeared as a terrorist outfit by the federal government.

DarthDubious: Review: The Obama Deception by Alex Jones

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Damon R.-W.
March 15, 2009

Alex Jones, for those who don’t know, is the self-described “tip of the spear” in the Infowar. Jones is a nationally-syndicated radio host with a daily listening audience in the hundreds of thousands and he has directed and produced over 20 documentary films. The most recent film, The Obama Deception, could in time be remembered as one of the most important films in our history. The movie is indicative of being rush-released, which it clearly was. Timing is everything. Mr Jones knew what he was doing in getting this film out to the masses fast and I would venture is evidence of its critical timeliness at this moment in history. Never have so many people been so tantalizingly close to waking up their fellow man to the realities of the world we live in. This film may be the one to finally do that.

DarthDubious: Volcker and the Mother of All Finanical Crises

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Kurt Nimmo
March 15, 2009

It was a moment of brazen honesty. On February 20, the don of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and former chair of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, told a conference at Columbia University’s Center for Capitalism and Society that, in essence, we’re screwed. Volcker said the crash of 2008 might be “the mother of all financial crises… I don’t remember any time, maybe even the Great Depression, when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world.”

DarthDubious: Bilderbergers Excite Conspiracists

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Kenneth P. Vogel
Sunday, March 15, 2009

The highest levels of the Obama administration are infested with members of a shadowy, elitist cabal intent on installing a one-world government that subverts the will of the American people.

DarthDubious: Support H.R. 1207

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Everybody needs to send an e-mail or letter to their representative in Congress and demand that they support Ron Paul's H.R. 1207.

DarthDubious: Savage: “Obama appointees actually have almost the same exact policies as the Nazi Party did”

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Kurt Nimmo
March 13, 2009

Michael “Savage” Weiner, corporate media talk show host and former beatnik, has told his audience that Obama’s appointees are following the policies of the Nazis. Savage, a former Bush supporter and notorious carnival barker for the false right-left paradigm (and neocon Muslim-hater), does not bother to call out a single Obama appointee by name. Instead, in the audio clip here, Weiner concentrates on Obama’s “green shirts,” an allusion to Hitler’s SA brown shirts.

DarthDubious: Climate Change Conference: Genocidal Global Warming Policies will Kill Hundreds of Millions

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March 10, 2009 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, Dr. Arthur Robinson, Director of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and the originator of the petition against Al Gore's global warming hoax which as of now 32,000 scientists have signed, told the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change, that the people like Al Gore who promote global warming alarmism are committing genocide by the withdrawal of technology from the developing world. Speaking at the conference hosted by the Heartland Institute in New York City, he said, "there is a current example of genocide by the removal of technology, and that is the ban on DDT, and that has resulted in the deaths of 30 to 40 million people and has left half a billion infected with malaria."

DarthDubious: Senators slam a disgusting plan for wounded vets to use private insurance

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.

DarthDubious: The Groundwork Has Already Been Laid for Martial Law

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By John W. Whitehead
During his two terms in office, George W. Bush stepped outside the boundaries of the Constitution and assembled an amazing toolbox of powers that greatly increased the authority of the Executive branch and the reach of the federal government.

DarthDubious: Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

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Kurt Nimmo
March 12, 2009

Alex Jones has received a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” and dated February 20, 2009. A footer on the document indicates it is “unclassified” but “law enforcement sensitive,” in other words not for public consumption. A copy of the report was sent to Jones by an anonymous Missouri police officer.


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The Growing Gap Between Reality and the Media
February 26th, 2009 by Mark Mitchell
Following is a very partial list of people who have said abusive short selling must be stopped.

DarthDubious: Fight back against the Banker Onslaught with The Obama Deception

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Now that Obama 2.0, also known as “Organizing for America,” will be going door to door “to map out and identify support” for the Bankster Scam 2.0, it is time to have plenty of copies of The Obama Deception at hand — for family, neighbors, and for the Obamatrons who may show up on your doorstep in need of an education.

DarthDubious: Chuck Norris claims thousands of "right wing" cell groups exist and will rebel against US Govt

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The following article is an example of how far we have drifted from our constitutional principles in this country. The author of this article seems to think reclaiming the country in the name of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a “right wing” concept. If we follow this logic, then, the left wing wants tyranny, dictatorship, and a police state. In fact, it seems Chuck Norris is moving away from the Republican party — in his article on WND, linked below, he actually claims there is little difference between the two parties — and is calling for a Second American Revolution. If this is “right wing,” count me in.

DarthDubious: Smart Grid: Government spying targets Rural America

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Source: RFD America

I’ve been reading the stimulus bill. When I saw the term Smart Grid on page 232 of the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,” I stopped reading so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. If you haven’t heard about Smart Grid, listen up. Smart Grid is closely related to the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), and both programs are designed to spy on Americans. Even more disturbing than the purpose of these government-condoned intrusions into our lives is the fact that the Obama Administration feels that Smart Grid is so important that it had to be funded in the stimulus package—which is supposed to be used for emergencies only. What’s the emergency? Why does Smart Grid need to be implemented within 60 days of the bill passing? Here come the answers, and none of them are good.

DarthDubious: Agenda Behind Brown's "Global New Deal"

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British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has been working tirelessly for months to promote world financial and economic governance under the pretext of fighting the ongoing global recession, called for a “global New Deal” in a speech before the U.S. Congress yesterday and in remarks at the White House on Tuesday.

DarthDubious: Pelosi Backs Senate Amendment to Censor Talk Radio

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March 6, 2009

Over the last week, the corporate media has subjected us to an incessant propaganda salvo directed against the Oxycontin-addled talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Obviously, Limbaugh is an easy target, especially for Democrats brainwashed by the false left-right paradigm. However, the point of the orchestrated attack against Limbaugh is not the alleged unfairness of “conservative” talk radio or even Limbaugh’s rhetoric critical of Barack Obama, but rather it is a coordinated attack designed to set the stage for the “regulation” of free speech.

DarthDubious: Bilderberger Plot to Control U.S. Food Supply

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March 7, 2009

If left to the soft kill eugenicists in control of the government, healthy organic food produced by independent farmers will soon be a thing of the past.

DarthDubious: Is FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago?

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D. H. Williams
Daily Newscaster
February 13, 2009

An Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago reveals the contents of his meetings with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. The initial requests seem reasonable enough when FEMA asks the county officials to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan to deal with flooding, fires, high winds and tornadoes.

DarthDubious: A Re-Declaration of Independence

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A Re-Declaration of Independence

Modified for the new Millennium March 6, 2009
The Unanimous Declaration of the fifty reunited States of America

DarthDubious: **IMPORTANT!** Goodbye farmers markets, CSAs, and roadside stands

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by Linn Cohen-Cole

The "food safety" bills in Congress were written by Monsanto, Cargill, Tysons, ADM, etc. All are associated with the opposite of food safety. What is this all about then?

DarthDubious: Top Japanese Scientists: Global Warming Is NOT Caused By Human Activity

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Western media completely ignores major report from Japan’s Energy Commission

A major scientific report by leading Japanese academics concludes that global warming is not man-made and that the overall warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century onwards has now stopped.

DarthDubious: California: Legislation to Legalize and Regulate Marijuana Just Like Alcohol

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by: Allen St. Pierre

Speaking at a landmark press conference today, California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) introduced comprehensive legislation to tax and regulate the commercial production and sale of cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol.

DarthDubious: Only 6-12 months until Full-Fledged Facsist Martial Law

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Pastor Lindsey Williams called the meltdown, along with dropping crude oil prices on 7-28-08 in an interview with Alex Jones. If you have never listened or watched Jones' program I suggest you start. He has the truth about this world and what is coming and has been broadcasting the warning for over a decade now. (www.infowars.com, www,prisonplanet.tv, also on shortwave radio)

DarthDubious: An Excellent Essay on the Gun Ownership Issue

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Why Did it Have to be ... Guns?
by L. Neil Smith

Over the past 30 years, I've been paid to write almost two million words, every one of which, sooner or later, came back to the issue of guns and gun-ownership. Naturally, I've thought about the issue a lot, and it has always determined the way I vote.

DarthDubious: FED Abolition Act Reintroduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R) Tex.

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Congressman Ron Paul’s Floor Speech on February 3, 2008, to introduce HR 833.

"Madame Speaker, I rise to introduce legislation to restore financial stability to America's economy by abolishing the Federal Reserve. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom-and-bust monetary policy.

DarthDubious: Federal Land Anti-Gun bill on the move.

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Lost in all the news of the massive bailout bill that just passed the Senate is another enormous bill, one that increases federal control of public and private land.

DarthDubious: The Imminent U.S. Financial Apocalypse

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This is an excellent story on the Lakota Tribe's website.



DarthDubious: Plug-in Cars are a Farce!!!

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I keep reading in different publications about the development of new electric vehicles; how great they are going to be, how fast they are from 0-60 mph, and that they take only 2.5 hours top recharge their big lithium-ion batteries.

DarthDubious: Follow-up letter on BDI Video

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An Email I Received On My Baltic Dry Index Video:

I’ve been discussing the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) with everyone I can for months now. I started following it in June of 2008. It’s not a traded index so no one profits from the index itself, which makes it virtually manipulation proof. It is what it is and that doesn’t bode well for any of us.

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