Group Smeared As Terror Cell By Feds: Runs Soup Kitchens!!!

DarthDubious's picture

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, March 16, 2009

A member of the Missouri Militia has contacted us to express his outrage that the organization, which routinely works with local law enforcement to help find missing children, sponsors blood donation campaigns and soup kitchens, is being smeared as a terrorist outfit by the federal government.

As we reported last week, a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center lists militias, Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equates them with radical race hate groups and terrorists.

The document features a photograph of members of the Missouri militia next to a list of terrorist plots, including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the Atlanta Olympic Park attack.

A member of the Missouri Militia who is featured in the photograph has written to us expressing his outrage that such a highly regarded organization, which devotes most of its time to projects which better the local community, has been villified in such a slapdash and erroneous way by the feds.

“In regard to the boys pictured in the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement”. I know most of the guys pictured in the article,” he writes.

All are hard working men whose wife’s support everything they do. Not one is a radical or a white supremacist. There are no anti-Semites. In fact some of the members have been Jewish and African-American. The leaders of this organization are in contact with the local sheriffs office every-time there is a get together that involves discharging weapons. The local sheriff knows who they are and where they live.

There is no talk of revolution or using any force against law enforcement. Indeed, just the opposite. They have volunteered for food kitchens and search and rescue. They are a transparent organization that only seeks to exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

I know these guys, because I have trained with them….Most of these guys have wives and children and there only crime is preparing for the worst, yet hoping for the best. Most of these boys don’t even believe 911 was an inside job. They are patriots and good fathers in every sense of the word. They come from all walks of life and there is not an ounce of racism among all of them combined. Some are college educated white collars and some are blue collars, but all are as normal and patriotic as they come.

Indeed, a cursory examination of the Missouri Militia’s website reveals that the group is routinely involved in projects such as helping local authorities search for missing children, blood donation campaigns, and feeding the homeless in soup kitchens. The organization has supported campaigns such as Harvesters, Habitat for Humanity, and Project Warmth.

The website even features a 9/11 tribute and expresses the organization’s vehement opposition to the perpurtrators of the terrorist attack. Part of the role of the group is also outlined as “defense of the state from terrorism or invasion”.

For the feds to demonize such a group and smear them as potential terrorists is beyond belief. It’s almost akin to labeling a group like the Salvation Army an Al-Qaeda offshoot.

This is not only a damning indictment in terms of how the federal government views U.S. citizens, but also a staggering insult to the very notion that there is a “war on terror” at all. If there really were Al-Qaeda suicide bomber cells plotting to attack America, as we are constantly told, then the feds are telling your local police departments to ignore them and instead target stand-up Americans who like to do charity work, feed the homeless and give blood.

Even if one dismisses the notion that these documents are being released as part of a deliberate attempt to smear informed Americans as dangerous political enemies of the state, what we are left with is almost equally as disturbing, which is the fact that the people supposedly leading the “war on terror” on the home front have the same level of detective and criminology skills as Barney the Purple Dinosaur.

In releasing this training document, the Missouri Information Analysis Center is putting the U.S. in greater danger of a terrorist attack and ensuring that any real terrorists would evade detection, while law enforcement are being trained that the most patriotic Americans imaginable are their mortal enemies

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Submitted by skyspy on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 5:15pm.

Thanks for doing the research and presenting information for those of us with less free time to read every paper on the web. Even if I don't agree with all of the opinions or information presented it is refreshing to read.

I love reading something that is the complete antithesis to the:

"obumbles has all of the answers for the U.S... we love socialism crowd".

Also you made a couple of narrow minded bloggers squeal. I love that. Keep up the good work. You do realize they are the only ones with the "true" answers to every problem we face? I can't believe that you don't agree with, and fall inline with the democrat bloggers here?

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 1:55pm.

..and it is becoming a trash bin for all your Alex Jones crap. If I wanted to read AJ's idiotic conspiracy theories, I would visit his website. You're pooping all over Cal's website with your garbage. Knock it off. This website is going downhill FAST! It used to be a place where we could all gather and chat, argue, and actually learn some things, but you're turning into your own private loony-tune soapbox. Limit your crap blogs, Darth. You're sounding like a total freak.

MajorMike's picture
Submitted by MajorMike on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 10:16am.

Wow Main Stream, Darth must have really hit a nerve there when he spoke of the Feds targeting Malitia's. Could it be because a Militia is a Constitutionally recognized armed entity and you support socialism? Talking about "crap blogs", I would not be surprised if Cal bounced your entry as a personal attack. You've got a lot of nerve calling some a freak but then........

"You can always tell when a liberal has lost the debate; they cease trying to wear you down with endless politically correct irrelevancies and resort to sarcasm, insult, and innuendo.”

S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 2:14pm.

You may not agree with it.. you may not believe in it.. you may not like it .. But by GOD Darth has a right to blog away.. It is his opinion.. Don't like it then don't read it and don't respond.. by responding you keep it out front..
It is amazing how many of you want to shutup people that have a different perspective then your own.. Folks this is America the last time I checked and the 2nd Admendment is still in practice..
SO DARTH BLOG AWAY.. I support your RIGHT to do so..

I will not lower my standards.. So UP YOURS.. Evil


DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 2:34pm.

Thank you for your support! What really kills me is that not one of my detractors do any research to find out if what I post is true! If they did, they would no longer be detractors.

"Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more." - Morpheus, in The Matrix

In Liberty,


Submitted by AtHomeGym on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 3:15pm.

For those pointing a finger at the Feds, if you will go to web site at you will discover that that this is a mixed orgn of local, state, and federal law enforcement and other agencies. Don't blame the feds if some private citizen gets hands on some of their reporting and puts his own spin on it. And certainly DD has a right to report it however I would have probably put a caveat on it that made it clear that a third party opinion (not analysis) was included in the version seen on this web site.

DarthDubious's picture
Submitted by DarthDubious on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 11:48am.

these are not "conspiracy theories." All of this is REAL existing policy!!!

Here's the thing: the demonizing of our symbols of freedom come from the federal level. The militarization of our police forces, the clear violations of Posse Commitatus, and the steady erosions of our personal liberty have been funded, and initiated by the feds.

When anti-incometax, anti-Federal Reserve films, are lumped together with the Turner Diaries an anti-government, anti-semitic white supremacist publication we have a problem. These ideologies are not interchangable, or even comparable.

Militias are not anti-government, but pro-personal liberty, and pro-limited government, which the Republicans are supposed to be in line with, and even promised in the 2000 election!!

So what is terrorist or extremist about that? People please USE THE BRAINS GOD GAVE YOU!!! Question everything, and do not trust what the TV tells you at face value. The TV LIES!!!

According to these law enforcement documents, my avatar marks me an extremist/racist/terrorist/conspiracy nut, when everything I point out is presented in federal government press releases, and main stream publications!!! So, who's nutz?

In Liberty,


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