The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Sept. 11 is turning into a handy excuse

I keep looking for it, but I haven't yet seen the news story about the health of the federal budget in the wake of Sept. 11.

How to make a grown man cry
Laugh Lines

Over the years, the gray line dividing males and females has grown fainter and fainter. These days, women drive the big 4-wheel-drive SUVs and yell curses at the soccer game, while men are sitting in on teacher conferences and carrying Kroger Plus Cards on their key rings.


Lessons in economics: No rich-bashing here

Hubris masquerading as knowledge is never a good trait in any columnist. Unfortunately our own Dave Hamrick excels at the practice of ideology over reality.

Why can't the county just talk with the cities?

Mr. Editor, could you please help me out, because I don't quite understand all I think that I know. When the Peachtree City mayor issued the call (PTC Update Feb. 2001) earlier this year for city citizens to speak out publicly against the localized wrongdoing on the part of county-government-supported tax inequity, I was one among others who answered the call. The Fayette County commissioners (whom I will affectionately refer to here as the "fun-bunch") are at it again.

Good job, commissioners

The article on the proposed north Fayette Community Park was great! This is something that is long overdue. The Fayette County commissioners are to be commended for taking this step toward improving the quality of life for the citizens of north Fayette and the entire community.

Good Samaritan helps lost boy find way home

I would like everyone to know about a real life saver living right here among us. On Oct. 29, my son, Nicholas Pitts, was out riding his bike with a couple of friends. He was told his normal boundaries (which are very close to our home) and that he had to come back in and check in with me at 4:30 p.m. (that gave him an hour to ride his bike).

Tyrone school handled tough situation with grace

First I send my condolence to [the Tyler Whitfield] family. I can not begin to know the pain they are feeling at this time. I would, however, like to let your readers know the love that was found for Tyler and the other children at Tyrone Elementary School.

Coin toss unfair to many

When was the last time you made a major decision by the toss of a coin? That seems to be what Jason Byars did when he made the decision that Flat Rock Middle School couldn't be in the playoffs.

Editor was coward for not endorsing Ostrowski

Manny Guerrero, in your recent [letter] you made mention of the word "alarmist." That word goes "back in the day" and in fact, was very popular when my age group was in high school and college. Being from Detroit, the "big three" in particular used to love that slogan, "those uniformed alarmists!"

Federalizing airport guards just a Democratic jobs bill

I decided that I should make this letter to Senators Cleland and Miller an open letter to the letters to the editor. I believe the airport bill went too far.

Unlike homeowners, those in apartments can't deduct tax

Re letter written by Megan Millians [The Citizen, Sept. 26]: For those persons who mistakenly believe that apartment dwellers (1) do not pay property tax, and (2) should not thereby dilute the high quality of life of homeowners, please read the following sentences carefully.

County can have 3 signs if they run short anywhere

If the county runs short on stop signs, there are three at the corner of Hickory and Cedar which are not being used.

Rampant arrests show need for teen center

By the time the papers publish this citizen comment, new runoff elections will have determined the future focus of the Peachtree City political direction. Regardless of the qualified people elected, a serious problem continues to run rampant in our county.

Here's how to greet our military serving overseas

Here's some information for your readers who are looking for a way to be supportive of our troops overseas, especially during the holidays.

Charities should clearly spell out costs of giving

I agree there should be limits on the amount of help provided the 9/11 "families." That limit should be the amount given by the American public for that purpose.

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