The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Fayette, do you want to be beautiful?

Budget-writing is one of those sausage-making types of exercises.

What's the real price of cheap goods?
One Citizen's Perspective

The announcement that Thomaston Mills will close its doors after 102 years in the textile manufacturing business should register more than a blip on our economic radar screens.

Bush booed in Sweden!
Laugh Lines

Jeesh. I never get into writing much on politics, but sometimes I just get dragged in, like some dad of a middle school girl, being tugged every six months to an 'Nsync concert.


Praise for one, a plea for another

I would like to leave three thoughts with you. Hopefully, you will find it in your hearts to act upon the latter two.

Now is the time to put EMS money in budget

In response to the article "Tie Vote Dooms added EMS slots" Citizen - June 13:

For discipline and education, homeschooling not a bad idea

This is why I choose to homeschool my children. I have a college degree, and a lot of money owed in student loans. But, instead of utilizing my degree for the benefit of whomever I may serve, I choose to serve my children by homeschooling them (and only because I am lucky enough to have a husband that can make ends meet in our household). To give you a better idea of "making ends meet," my husband does not make over $40,000 a year, we have our own home, we don't starve, and we have everything we want.

Training story was right on

I want to extend to you my sincere appreciation for your coverage of the high Risk Warrant Service Training held on May 17 and 18, 2001.

We need straight answers on choice in education

I've known Ms. Amy Riley since Fayette's 'Great Chicago Math Controversy.'

Bands booted from YMCA

In January 2000 the director of the YMCA, Pam Young, attended a follow-up forum sponsored by Georgia Public Television concerning the "Lost Kids of Rockdale County." She mentioned programs and efforts to help youth in Fayette County as some of the positive activities going on in our area.

The truth about government spending and deficits

The cat is finally out of the bag on those horrid "Reagan deficits" that we have heard about through Democrat mythology since the 1980s. In an opinion piece published May 27 in the New York Times, chief Clinton-Gore administration propagandists and dirty tricks experts James Carville and Paul Bagala disclosed that through their control of the Congress, the Democrats simply boosted spending at every turn, resulting in sky-high deficits which were then blamed on Reagan.

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