Wednesday, June 20, 2001

For discipline and education, homeschooling not a bad idea

This is why I choose to homeschool my children. I have a college degree, and a lot of money owed in student loans. But, instead of utilizing my degree for the benefit of whomever I may serve, I choose to serve my children by homeschooling them (and only because I am lucky enough to have a husband that can make ends meet in our household). To give you a better idea of "making ends meet," my husband does not make over $40,000 a year, we have our own home, we don't starve, and we have everything we want.

My son was in public school. I went to pick him up one day and his teacher pulled me aside making the comment that "he said you smacked him with a spoon." She saw a bruise on his hind end, and asked him about it. To answer your question, yes, I did spank him with a spoon (the only time I far)...because, out of anger, he took a metal based window screen and slammed it down on his 3 year younger sister's head. Not only did she bleed, and not only does she have a scar, but my son ran away from me. I had to chase him for about 10 minutes to get him. He fought me tooth and nail when I was going to spank him. However, if I really wanted to hurt him, I would not have been so careful to only spank his butt. I constantly fought to move his legs and arms out of the way.

When I finally got his butt, I got it good. Let me tell you, I am a sociology major, with a minor in psychology. I know first hand what DFACS, the school system, and others are "looking" for, but there are some things that are so obvious to abuse, and there are some people that are in the system which are so stupid to what is real abuse, and what is a spanking.

If you can, maybe you should homeschool your children. Who knows when they may fall down the stairs, or hit their back on a coffee table...and you end up with a call from the school..with DFACS already there, ready to take your baby. What are you going to say? What is your child going to say? They have wonderful stories to tell...

Andi McGee


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