Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Now is the time to put EMS money in budget

In response to the article "Tie Vote Dooms added EMS slots" Citizen - June 13:

I totally disagree with Commissioners Dunn and Wells in their decision not to fund additional medical workers to shorten the EMS response time. For Commissioner Dunn to state he "would be happy to take a look at this midyear" ... HELLO, this is budget time ... budget must be approved by July 1.

Hope someone's life can be put on hold until midyear. Commissioner Wells, stating they have "made it clear to department heads that there will be no increase." How can you not have an increase when you have increased population?

Wells suggested, "Other department heads would demand equal treatment." I believe most department heads understand that the public's safety and welfare, including their own, comes first. This is not a you versus me situation. We are talking about taxpayers' lives.

There once was a sitting commission that believed the response time should be five minutes and they achieved that goal.

I would like to remind Commissioners Dunn and Wells, the primary purpose of government is for the protection, safety and welfare of the public. Fire and EMS services fall in that category.

Grace Caldwell

[Caldwell is a former Fayette County commissioner]

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