Wednesday, June 20, 2001

The truth about government spending and deficits

The cat is finally out of the bag on those horrid "Reagan deficits" that we have heard about through Democrat mythology since the 1980s. In an opinion piece published May 27 in the New York Times, chief Clinton-Gore administration propagandists and dirty tricks experts James Carville and Paul Bagala disclosed that through their control of the Congress, the Democrats simply boosted spending at every turn, resulting in sky-high deficits which were then blamed on Reagan.

Well, they might not have said that directly they are still very politically astute but they did say that if the Democrats, with their control of the Senate, forced President Bush to increase spending, growing deficits would force Republicans to reconsider contemplated tax-cut initiatives.

"There is enormous risk in this strategy," wrote the duo. "If Republicans pass the spending programs but defeat attempts to reduce the tax cut, we will plunge back into deficits...but better to risk deficits than the reality of an emaciated and emasculated national government for decades..."

Oh? Many Americans believe that an emaciated and emasculated federal government is exactly what is needed to insure our continued freedoms in the new millennium. This would be a government that honored the property rights of citizens over the perquisites of red-legged frogs; and observed the rule of law when executing search warrants rather than kidnapping little boys at gunpoint to send them back to a totalitarian state. But that is the opposite type of federal government the two Clintonistas envision.

Carville-Bagala also advocate a policy of "obstruction." Even the politically correct Times editorial page couldn't stomach the "big lie" approach inherent in this concept. They sermonized that the best course was to build coalitions..."rather than the bellicose partisanship advocated by James Carville and Paul Begala..." Nevertheless, the next time you hear a reference to the "Reagan deficits," remember the unintended revelation of the terrible twosome and let your congressman and senators know you won't put up with a ballooning budget and pork barrel spending to "wag the dog" again, and make Democrat dreams of artificial deficits in 2002 come true.

William Fielder

Peacthree City

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