The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Of signed and unsigned letters, strikes, pilots . . .

I enjoy a spirited public debate as much as anyone, so I have enjoyed the give and take over the past few weeks about Delta pilots and their potential strike against one of Atlanta's business giants.

Tax cut gets buried; will it rise again?

I thought about writing an Easter column, but you've probably seen about 15 of those in our publications so far.

How did the Easter bunny get into this?
One Citizen's Perspective

For most all of my life, I have experienced Easter as the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as a Christian commemoration of victory over sin and death through the blood sacrifice of God's Son. Easter was always a family affair, with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents all decked out in their Easter finery gathering on the front lawn for Easter pictures as our tummies called out for ham, potato salad, casseroles, and desserts. There was an Easter egg hunt after dinner, and gobs and gobs of candy from our Easter baskets that were filled in secret by a rabbit while we slept the night before.

Lost: 1 more 'man thing'
Laugh Lines

I feel as though I am in a meat market, being sized up and down. I shouldn't feel this insecure, yet it is shocking as I walk past and all the women seem to stare and secretly glance at what I have. I feel so cheap and disrespected as a person as I wander my way through. Are we not human beings anymore?


If letter is unsigned, it shouldn't be printed

Compare and contrast:

Workplace risks not limited just to flying airplanes

With reference to a recent letter from Timothy Parker who provided in great detail, a list of 12 airplane fatalities. The loss of any life is terribly sad and of course, irreversible, but may I remind Mr. Parker that occupational hazard is not limited solely to the cockpit!

Ladies, toss your bonnets in PTC mayoral campaign

Now that we are soon to be voting again here in Peachtree City, I bring another thought to you.

Next PTC election will be decided on issues, not personalities

A neighbor of mine has become very disheartened about our local governmental system after being rejected for an appointment on the Peachtree City Development Authority. This man was extremely qualified and has an excellent grasp of the inner workings of Peachtree City. He has spoken out on some development issues like annexation, land use planning, etc., so he does not meet the criteria for the special interests.

Stop tax subsidies to non-profits that lobby

Thirty-one nonprofit organizations, or NGOs, have united to oppose a federal income tax cut. Besides opposing a tax reduction, these organizations have something else in common they are large recipients of our tax dollars.

Campaign law fix may cause more problems

I'm an engineer. When people want to do something I often get the task of finding a way to do it. There are times when the implementation of the fix will be obviously more costly than the "problem" it is to solve.

6th grader gets civics lesson

On the evening of March 6 I had the privilege to sit in on our city's council meeting. Most of the meeting was the campaigning for a seat on the city board. All 14 candidates were qualified for the job. The choice will be hard. One of the candidates withdrew his request to run for board and decided to run for mayor instead.

When will pilots wake up?

Thanks for exposing the pilot "babies" to reality ["Delta pilots: What's fair wage for cry babies?" The Citizen, March 28].

Sheriff's deputies do great job

I have lived in Fayette County for seven years. I've always known that Fayette County was a much cleaner, safer and more enjoyable place to live than many of the metro Atlanta counties but I didn't fully appreciate why this was true.

County should remove grocery tax

Several years ago the Georgia Legislature removed all sales taxes on groceries. However, Fayette County still collects 1 per cent sales tax on food items purchased as groceries.

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