Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Workplace risks not limited just to flying airplanes

With reference to a recent letter from Timothy Parker who provided in great detail, a list of 12 airplane fatalities. The loss of any life is terribly sad and of course, irreversible, but may I remind Mr. Parker that occupational hazard is not limited solely to the cockpit!

The Georgia Department of Public Safety reported that last year, metro Atlanta recorded 301 traffic fatalities! Many of these deaths included innocent commuters simply trying to get to their workplace. They had no desire to be on crowded, congested hiways during rush hour, but did so to support families and to meet obligations.

Hazardous? Absolutely! But a necessary risk to fulfill one's responsibilities. Mr. Parker's unabashed attempt to gain sympathy for a big pay raise is insensitive, reprehensive and totally incomprehensible.

Earl Eubanks

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