Wednesday, April 11, 2001

Stop tax subsidies to non-profits that lobby

Thirty-one nonprofit organizations, or NGOs, have united to oppose a federal income tax cut. Besides opposing a tax reduction, these organizations have something else in common they are large recipients of our tax dollars.

Just a minute, you say, isn't it illegal for organizations which take tax dollars to lobby the Congress? It was until the Clinton-Gore Administration changed all the rules to its favor. You simply tell the IRS to look the other way. Neat.

One of these NGOs, the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC), received $300 million during the past five years. Other members include: the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund ($1 million the last four years), the NAACP, the National Education Association (the teacher's union), and the National Council of La Raza. Other organizations lobbying include the government employee's union AFSCME, which was given $447,000 in government grants during 1997-1999, and the AFL-CIO, which got more than $6 million from 1997-2000.

All of these organizations do good things, but they are all capable of raising their own money especially money used for lobbying Congress. Why should we taxpayers fund their efforts to keep our taxes so high? Do you enjoy working five months out of the year just to support the efforts of various organizations to extend their power over your tax dollars?

Isn't it about time that Congress take a long look at NGOs that both receive taxpayer funds and lobby Congress on various issues? Shouldn't the IRS insure that these organizations pay taxes on the monies they spend for lobbying purposes?

Just as we have put the Clinton-Gore decade of deceit behind us, we should now clamp down on politically-favored organizations that are on the public dole. It won't happen until you contact your representative and senators and tell them that you want a tax cut, and to take the money out of the pot which would otherwise go to the NGOs.

William Fielder

Peachtree City

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