Wednesday, April 11, 2001

6th grader gets civics lesson

On the evening of March 6 I had the privilege to sit in on our city's council meeting. Most of the meeting was the campaigning for a seat on the city board. All 14 candidates were qualified for the job. The choice will be hard. One of the candidates withdrew his request to run for board and decided to run for mayor instead.

Then alcohol merchant licenses were being discussed. About half a dozen showed up to certify their pub restaurants. Then of course, there was children's week, where four principals won plaques for discipline. One of these was my old elementary school principal, Mrs. Lambeth.

Our great mayor is not running next year, but invites anyone to his office to either discuss the meeting or to ask questions. This was my first city council meeting and I learned a lot.

Craig Veilleux

Peachtree City

[Craig is a sixth grade student at Rising Starr Middle School. He attended a Peachtree City Council meeting and then wrote about it as part of his work on a Citizenship of the Community badge for Boy Scouts.]

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