cardinal: Explosive Growth/Congested County = Chapman & Maxwell

Friends of Fayette County,

This election is not about the Sheriff despite what you may think. No, this election is about the growth of our County.

cardinal: The Sheriff , by law, is ACCOUNTABLE to the Commissioners

Yes, it is true. The Sheriff, by law, is held accountable for his actions. Please remove your emotions from this case. It's okay to acknowledge the fact that he does a good job but realize that he, just like you and me, are accountable to someone. It's a tough pill to swallow...I know...but that's life.

cardinal: Chapman & Maxwell = OVER POPULATION / HIGH DENSITY

Mr. Chapman will support housing developers because he will profit from...mortgages.

Mr. Maxwell will support housing developers because he will profit from...fees.

cardinal: Chapman and Maxwell are a TEAM

Yes, it has been overheard that Mr. Chapman and Mr. Maxwell are joining forces to win the two available posts.

A lawyer and a development on their "secret" agenda? Only Mr.

cardinal: Mr. Maxwell: "Let's keep it above board..."

Dear Mr. Maxwell,

At the onset of your announcement to run against Mr. Dunn for County Commissioner at Saturday's Republican breakfast, I was encouraged to hear you acknowledge Mr. Dunn's integrity and your plea to run an "above board" campaign. Very noble. However, upon departing the floor, you clearly went "below board" by admonishing, with exception of Mr. Frady, the other Commissioners for not attending Mr. Horgan's swear-in. Why was this necessary? And why are you concerned about Mr. Horgan? I'm not sure. I think it was meant to embarrass the other Commissioners who, by the way, either have full-time jobs or had other legislative commitments.

cardinal: Horgan and Chapman...sitting in a tree...


Wouldn't it be "neat" to have them on the Commission together? They can wear the same color shirt, pass notes and giggle in class while intelligent, REPUBLICAN Commissioners like Dunn and Wells get the job done.

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