Horgan and Chapman...sitting in a tree...


Wouldn't it be "neat" to have them on the Commission together? They can wear the same color shirt, pass notes and giggle in class while intelligent, REPUBLICAN Commissioners like Dunn and Wells get the job done.

No more RINO's, please!

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KraftyFla's picture
Submitted by KraftyFla on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 5:08pm.

Not even the Democrats will claim the Chapman developer family. May their political corpses rest in peace.

JWM's picture
Submitted by JWM on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 11:59am.

I would disgree with the contention in this blog that Wells and Dunn have behaved like Republicans. (However, does "Republican" mean anything any more ?) Just because your a Democrat doesn't mean you are a liberal. And just because you call yourself a "Republican" doesn't mean your a conservative.

Mr. Horgan and Mr. Chapman do clearly have Democrat roots. So what? Chapman's father was a Democrat politician So what? The Sams family is all Democrat and they have served our county well including Judge Sams. US Senator Sam Nunn was a proud conservative.

Wells and Dunn, however, have not been conservatives by any stretch of the imagination. They expanded many government spending projects in extravagant fashion (water plant, courthouse, destroyed historic landmarks, etc.). Most importantly, though, is that in the 10 years that they have been on the government dole, Wells and Dunn have raised taxes and increased spending EVERY SINGLE YEAR. And, with their lawsuits all over the place against local folks, they look more like the American Trial Lawyers Organization than the GOP.

Submitted by thenatural on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 2:53pm.

So you believe that expanding water plants is extravagence? You would be among the first to scream if you could not get sufficient water at sufficient pressure for lack of expansion as growth occurs.
And by the way, the growth that taxes the water system and forces expansion is not occurring in the county. It is occurring in the cities as soon as they annex the land and trash the land use plan used by the county to plan for things like water use. How about a simple hypothetical example? If the county land use plan (and planned water use) calls for water use of 500 gallons an acre and the cities annex the land and increase the density so that the water useage grows to say 5000 gallons an acre, who is responsible for the "extravagant" expansion of the water plant? The county commission who likely went on record opposing the annexation, or the annexing authority? Add the expectation that any government entity is expected to have the vision to build additional capacity in anticipation of growth, and it takes years to add this capacity what would you have them do? Wait until they cannot deliver water to someone's property and then start building? Do that and the county gets sued for not allowing someone the best use of their property through lack of planning.

Check the math on your taxes. Every year for the past 5 years the county has rolled back the millage rate to a level that equates to the previous year's county tax rate. If your tax bill grew, it was because of city taxes or due to appreciation of your property. Would you prefer that you property not appreciate in value?

As to the "extravagant" justice complex, do you realize that it was built under the specter of federal intervention due to the overcrowding of prisoners in the old jail? Did you know that the county was having to pay daily to house prisoners in other jurisdictions and that was coming out of your tax dollars? Did you know that had the county not moved forward with the planning and construction of the facility that they would have faced thousands of dollars in fines daily from the federal government? If that had occured you would be screaming that it was the lack of foresight by the commissioners that caused the problems. When the justice center opened it remedied a variety of space and facilities needs for the county (jail, court rooms, clerk offices etc.) not just for that year, or the next decade but for decades to come. It also combined all of these entities in one place which makes for much more efficient administration by having them all in one place. If you are going to build something surely you realize that it must be built not just for now, but for the future as well. I suppose that they could have shaved a million dollars or so off the budget by cutting back on some of the nicer touches, but why? It came in about $3 million dollars under budget anyway. When was the last time you heard of any government project being completed on time and under budget?

And you stop harping on lawsuits. Maxwell wants to make a big deal of all the money spent on legal fees. It is not $500,000.00 solely to defend the county against the sheriff. It is probably less than a third of that. The rest of that amount would not go away, it is always part of the cost of running any county. If you want that 30% or so part to go away, then have the sheriff do what he is supposed to do and it will.

I cannot comment on the historic landmarks that have been torn down, since I am not aware of any situation where that has occurred. Where were these landmarks and when were they torn down? Last time I check the old courthouse was still there.

Submitted by twilson on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 4:41pm.

Dunn and Wells are conserative!!?? And Islam is a peaceful religion. And O J is innocent.

An in house attorney and the $500,000 goes away. Simple as that.

The $55 plus million on the judicial complex is indeed extravagant. Could have been done for half the amount.

Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 6:01pm.

Fayette Commissioners have spent our money like drunken sailors. They probably have fooled everyone. But every year our taxes go up and up. In house attorney? No motivation to run around and sue Tyrone and whoever. And the "judicial complex" ? But Dunn and Wells publicly pound on some {{{DELETED}}}} during a budget hearing over $1,200 and they think they're careful with money. LOL.

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 8:11pm.

The bikini photos of the two Janets. Wells and Dunn on Joe Jamokes post are much too racy for Republican Fayette County. If you look carefully, the younger Janet has "enhanced" her look - probably with socks, if you get my drift.

Joey Jamokes's picture
Submitted by Joey Jamokes on Sat, 03/25/2006 - 12:40pm.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa Hamster !!!!

"The Twins" are not Janet Smola or Janet Dunn. And they are not wearing bikinis--- they are wearing perfectly appropriate evening gowns.

Their names are Nan and Jan and they are Research Fellows at the Brookings Instituition.

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 6:29pm.

Look at all the jobs the judicial complex created. The labor and all of the materials required were a boom to this country. Thanks McNally for all you do for the county. We need plenty of lawyers to look after the little people. They taxes you pay from the money you've made will help pay for Bush's stupid war. A hundred years from now our great grandchildren will still be able to admire our beautiful courthouse. My only hope is that union labor was used in constructing the beautiful courthouse.

Real Men Vote Democrat

abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 3:14pm.

Thank you for proving the points by Mr. Windco:

(1) Every year Wells and Dunn have been in office, TAXES WENT UP

(2) Every year Wells and Dunn have been in office, SPENDING WENT UP.

Lot a hot air, which is "Natural" for a big government supporter. What do you work for them ? My values go up, then you adjust the millage so my ultimate tax goes down or stays the same. You are perpetuating the same lie they have said--- taxes went up because of assessment. That is a lie.

But stick to the point--- thank you for admitting that every year they have hiked up the taxes and the spending.

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 6:22pm.

Well, there seems to be hope in the Republican leadership after all. If what your telling us is true then I shout yipee. TAXES UP.... must mean that those can will and should pay more. SPENDING UP...means the more the government spends the more the taxpayers benefit from money being spent in their businesses and more jobs creation. Taxing and Spending is the heartbeat of our economy.

Real Men Vote Democrat

H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 8:06pm.

2 ideas actually, the first is move away. NYC seems like an idea,

But secondly, I have read everything you have posted and I understand completely what you are saying and want to help. With that in mind, please change your icon from the stupid shaved cat to something more appropriate for your comments --- that would be the black man floating a tray full of beer through the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina - you know, the hurricane that didn't actually hit New Orleans, but one where the federal gummint' broke the dikes (or dykes) and then millions were killed or turned gay or whatever.

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 9:48pm.

Now your getting personal. That's my kitty your talking about. Stupid Shaved Cat? I'll bet if left unattended you would eat my kitty. Now I've got to drag PETA into this and report you. Poor Kitty. Had to shave her to keep the tomcats from mounting her all the time. Without hair to hang onto they just slide off. Works kind of like kitty abstinence. She may look like a cute little lion but it is effective. And it's alot cheaper than getting kitty abortions all the time. No one would help me pay for them and I just couldn't overpopulate the country side with a bunch of unwanted kittys.

Real Men Vote Democrat

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Sat, 03/25/2006 - 5:33am.

I should stay out of this, but there is another solution you know. Nuetering is safe and effective. I don't imagine it violates any Democratic party ideals, after all it is sort of a preventative abortion, and you only have to do it once. Just tell kitty she's going to get tutored and by the time she figures it out she'll be done.

Submitted by dkinser on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 8:38pm.

Hamster has cracked me up. Go hamster go, go hamster go.

Laughed pretty hard on that one.

Dana Kinser

Get Real's picture
Submitted by Get Real on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 9:53pm.

Dana...Hamster was pretty funny. But I think she's jealous of my kitty.

Real Men Vote Democrat

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