Mr. Maxwell: "Let's keep it above board..."

Dear Mr. Maxwell,

At the onset of your announcement to run against Mr. Dunn for County Commissioner at Saturday's Republican breakfast, I was encouraged to hear you acknowledge Mr. Dunn's integrity and your plea to run an "above board" campaign. Very noble. However, upon departing the floor, you clearly went "below board" by admonishing, with exception of Mr. Frady, the other Commissioners for not attending Mr. Horgan's swear-in. Why was this necessary? And why are you concerned about Mr. Horgan? I'm not sure. I think it was meant to embarrass the other Commissioners who, by the way, either have full-time jobs or had other legislative commitments.

Mr. Maxwell, if your intent was to set the tone for your campaign, you certainly did. It will be one of cheap shots and below board tactics. Why? I think it's because you're so far below the surface of integrity that your only breath of air comes at the expense of those around you.

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H. Hamster's picture
Submitted by H. Hamster on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 5:48am.

It is not "below board" it is his whole campaign. Eric is the sherriff's candidate who is supposed to take on Greg Dunn and beat him. This is just more of the silly feud that started with the Marshall's Office and has continued for two years. Horgan was not part of Dunn's plan - he wanted Wilkerson to strengthen his own power base. When Dunn wins again we will see real arrogance and abuse of power.

Submitted by Concerned Citizen on Tue, 04/04/2006 - 5:47am.

It seems that Eric Maxwell was commenting on how the Commissioners should show respect to each other and have to get along even though they may not agree on all the issues. You seem to have the Greg Dunn attitude on government; If it's not about Dunn, it's just not done!

I can't wait to have a fair Commissioner that can see past his own nose.

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