Sunday, March 21, 2004

Man in indecent photo convicted for exploiting child

A Fayetteville man who had his picture taken with a 15-year-old girl in partial undress was convicted by a jury Thursday.

Mistrial in drug sale case after jury deadlocks

Due to a deadlocked jury, a mistrial was declared Thursday in the case against a Fayetteville man accused of selling drugs from a home near East Fayette Elementary school in January 2003.

Candidate accepts offer to manage Falcon Field

Falcon Field has a new manager now that the candidate picked by the Peachtree City Airport Authority has formally accepted the position.

Public art rules explained to council

An ordinance amendment to regulate public art in Fayetteville was discussed at Thursday night’s City Council meeting with little fanfare.

Drug agents: defendant smoked pot in courthouse parking lot

A defendant awaiting trial for selling drugs to undercover agents last year was busted Tuesday for smoking marijuana in the parking lot of the Fayette County Justice Center, police said.

Magistrate: Drug suspect can come back to PTC for work only

A suspect accused of having a significant quantity of cocaine and marijuana in his car during a traffic stop in Peachtree City has been granted an $86,500 bond.

No Sunday liquor sales in Coweta

If residents want a drink with their Sunday brunch, they need to head to Peachtree City.

No more leashes for cats

Cat owners will no longer be breaking the law if they allow their cats to roam freely.

The tears of Jesus

In our church just below the pulpit is a beautifully lit, five foot by two foot, stained glass boxed in window of Jesus overlooking Jerusalem. He is sitting looking towards the ancient main gate with several disciples looking over his shoulder. There is a caption in English painted on the stained glass which reads, “He Beheld The City and He wept over it.”

Trials aren’t fun but help us grow

Nobody signs up for trials, but hard times are part of life.

Sharing a prayer request
Contribuing Writer

I’m about to do something really unusual. Yeah, I know, you probably figure I tend to do and say a lot of things that are unusual. May be.