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Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Of left lanes, traffic lights and speed limits

I must say I'm disappointed with the mostly favorable reaction to last week's column, "Stop road rage: Move to the right."

Water plan represents wishful thinking

The Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District is nearing completion of a set of plans for allocation and treatment of our water resources. It may sound like a worry for someone else, but there is a distinct danger that the Georgia General Assembly will take the plans seriously and enact one or more new laws. Laws that will directly affect you and your family!


Seems driving courtesy went out with 8-tracks

Mr. Beverly, I applaud you for your "coming out" on the "left-lane laggards." I can't tell how many times I have encountered them myself, going less than the posted speed limit, and, as you said, riding side-by-side with each other as though they were holding hands!

Maybe editor has serious SUV horsepower-hog syndrome

Cal, I wonder if you also need to confess to being a SUV Simpleton? Reading between the lines of your claim to innocent road rage, one can't help being suspicious that a deeper-seated problem of horsepower-hog syndrome is latent.

One drunk on a cart caused all this commotion; now let's watch our politicians

I attended the Peachtree City Parade and it was truly a great parade. As I sat outside the entrance of Village Park subdivision where I live, I pondered on what a great city we have. The sight of all the golf carts with so many people enjoying them brought to mind our current problem over drivers licenses to drive them.

Cart ruling affecting quality of life?

When I read about a Peachtree City councilman complaining about how a law limiting who can or can't drive golf carts affects "quality of life" in the Republic of Peachtree City, I wonder if you people are in touch with reality.

Were PTC officials and their lawyers asleep at the cart wheel in '70s, '80s, '90s?

Writing a lot of letters to the editor exposes their author to being labeled a crackpot, and I have in the past joked with Steve Brown (now mayor of Peachtree City) that he and I seemed to be competing for the local Crackpot Award. At the time, he seemed willing to concede the award to me, but given what's been going on the golf cart paths of Peachtree City lately, I see a lot of competition for that coveted Crackpot Award.

Ah, the idea of freedom at 15

Re Justin Parker's letter, "State court ban takes away teens' cart freedom." My, how the definition of freedom has changed since the days of Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams and Martin Luther King. Freedom from what, you might ask.

Carts must be regulated for all path users' safety

"Many of the elderly persons affected by this ruling cannot safely operate an automobile while they can safely operate a golf cart" Lloyd Walker, attorney.

Former officer has different perspective on golf carts

I just can't help it, I have to finally give into my overwhelming feeling of obligation to stand up for the Peachtree City Police department ... after reading the letter written recently by Mr. Appelhans regarding the golf cart law.

What's the big?

Why is it a surprise that there should be a license required to drive a golf cart? After all, the PTC police have been ticketing the golf carts as "motor vehicles" as far as other motor vehicle violations go. Why should this law be any different? The PTC police seem to have enough manpower to enforce many other laws on the paths especially with the teens. Why not this one?

Kudos to youth council for Battle of the Bands

Well, they built it and they came.

Bulldozer blade good idea for road blockers

Great column on road rage. I too fantasize about the bulldozer blade, with perhaps a 20mm cannon to blast the way clear. Enforcing the "slower traffic keep right" and "keep right except to pass" laws would clear up almost all of the road rage incidents, as well as improving the flow of traffic.

Willing to pay extra taxes for bulldozing deputy

Believe me, you are not the only one that has experienced rage when driving in our community because of "left laners."

3 species of laggards incite daily frustration

Your column on road rage was great. I drive from Fayetteville to Buckhead every day, and as a result, my day starts and ends with left-lane laggards on Ga. Highway 314.

Road rage column expressed silent majority's opinion

Thank you very much for expressing the view of the silent majority. It is nice to know that there really are others out there that understand what those signs on the sides of roads that read, "Slower traffic keep right."

Seems like I've heard this before

Someone once told me not to hide my feelings when I write. Tell us what you really think.

Thanks for support back home

I just want to say that I was impressed by the articles regarding all the service members deployed for the war.

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