Sunday, February 9, 2003

Southside rezonings, annexations approved

The Fayetteville City Council voted Thursday night to approve the necessary rezonings and annexations to allow the southside master plan to move forward. Also approved were two development agreements relating to the property.

Fugitive squad hunting suspect in local heists

Now that local police have positively identified the suspect in the armed robbery of the Flash Foods convenience store in Peachtree City and the Tyrone Amoco that occurred almost a month ago, the Atlanta Metro Fugitive Squad is hunting the suspect down.

Airport Authority offers free rent for first year to attract avionics business

Falcon Field appears destined to land another significant aviation business as an avionics company located in Griffin has expressed interest in moving to Peachtree City.

Liquor elections set for March, 2004

Residents wanting a mixed drink in the unincorporated county will have to wait until next year to see how the voters respond.

Jazz concert at library

"A Tour of Jazz," a performance and lecture by jazz pianist Ojeda Penn, will be presented by the South Fulton Regional Library February 8 at 3 p.m.

Well done, good and faithful servants!

A significant event occurs in our community today. Pastor Dumas and Tex (pronounced "Tech") Shellnut move out of their home here in Fayetteville to begin a new chapter of their lives in an assisted living community in Atlanta

Valentine's Day forever!

Just imagine, Valentine's Day approaches again in the year of our Lord 2003. Since 9/11, our world has certainly changed, but there are some things that never change.

The correction behind the correction
Contributing Writer

It's time again to revisit the term "stock market correction." I am finally hearing more and more references to a reduction of consumer spending being the cause. The powers that be are finally talking about you and me. Not the CE-whatevers or the board members, but you and me.

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