The Fayette Citizen-Sports Home Page

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Region wins put Panthers and Patriots in good positions

It finally felt like football weather last Friday and several local teams gave solid performances on the field.

Cross country teams run in county meet, Last Chance

The county cross country teams competed in the county meet at Clayton County International Park last Wednesday. McIntosh's boys and girls captured first place, while Starr's Mill finished second and Fayette County and Sandy Creek rounded out the top four. On Saturday, many of these same teams traveled to Carrollton for the Last Chance Invitational.

Steve Dale Motorsports Captures 2002 ASA Championship

For the first time in American Speed Association history, a Georgia-based team has captured the coveted ASA National Championship. Georgia has long been a state synonymous with motorsports; however, the 35-year-old Midwest-based ASA series is traditionally dominated by teams located in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana.

Lady Tigers win area softball crown again

Three Fayette County high schools are sending their softball teams to Valdosta on Friday to compete in the first round of the state softball tournament.

Lady Chiefs and Indians battle for area championship

Last night, after the paper went to press, McIntosh and East Coweta met on the volleyball court to determine the winner of the 4-AAAAA area championship. McIntosh advanced to the area final with wins over Lovejoy, Starr's Mill and Fayette County, while east coweta fought their way to the final by beating Mundy's Mill, losing to Fayette County in three sets, defeating Lovejoy and then beating Fayette County in three sets.

Several local athletes nominated for H.S. Heisman

Does the prize come with fries?

NASCAR comes to town for NAPA 500

With more than 120,000 people expected for the Oct. 27 NAPA 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway, heavy preparations are under way for what is annually the largest sporting event in Georgia. Signs are being hung, logos being painted and tents being erected. All of the speedway's lush 870 acres of land will be in use for this gigantic racing weekend.

SCAT places second at Chattahoochee Gold

SCAT swimmers finished second in team standings at the Chattahoochee Gold Invitational Meet in Cobb County this past weekend.

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