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Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Here's a simpler campaign reform idea

Here we go again.

We men need a Feb. 15 holiday
Laugh Lines

It's time for some man holidays, and the time after Valentine's Day would be it. Whereby the weeks leading up to Feb. 14 rest solidly at the top of the romance almanac, the days after are reserved for half-priced candy, battered, passed-over love cards and glaring, languid looks from wives and girlfriends towards their men who simply "forgot." So let's just make Feb. 15 into a man's holiday for the men who weren't romantic enough.


Here's how to solve some big problems

Since [Dave Hamrick's column] opened up a session of "solve all the world's problems," I have a few ideas regarding what to do:

Voyles' sentence is double standard favoring women

The slap-on-the-wrist sentencing in the Laura Voyles case is yet another fine example of the double-standard of the female-only defense, where a woman receives a lighter sentence than a man for an equal crime, and is painted by the media to look like a victim, rather than an ignorant human being who made a very bad decision.

The 'choice' of being gay: Maybe the choice is how we respond

I read, with great interest, the Rev. Louis Sheldon's column about homosexuality not being genetic. He claims that no scientific evidence can be found to prove that homosexuality is innate. However, I would ask him to show me scientific evidence that homosexuality is not innate. The problem is that no one can prove his or her claim one way or the other.

Granger unwavering from what he saw as right

I want to express my great sorrow upon hearing about our losing one of Peachtree City's finest individuals. I developed a great appreciation for Mr. Willis Granger.

Is PTC Development Authority only a man's world?

Is the Peachtree City Development Authority an equal opportunity employer or is it just a "man's world"?

Let's start planning now to help older teens

So call me sentimental.

Thinking about facts, opinions and 'leaders'

Judging from the disjointed diatribe from Ms. Wanzer which was published as a letter to the editor on Feb. 13 ["Give King his due, but discover all the facts"], it appears, as my grandmother used to say, that we "got her goat" a bit. Rather than attempt to respond verbatim to her typewritten "hissy fit," let me offer the following as my self-chosen exit from this "debate."

King criticism was not only anti-black; it's anti-American

While Mr. John Lewis Jr. of Peachtree City nicely replies to Victoria A. Wanzer concerning her libelous article on Dr. King, in saying, "I read with interest ...," I say I read with absolute and sheer disgust.

Others were hurt, also

I read with interest the article on Martin Luther King, Jr. The truth at last, the truth at last.

It's true: Other black leaders worthy of praise

I feel the writer has a legitimate point. She disclosed the facts. Every American should take the time to truly understand the civil rights movement. Ms. Wanzer was correct on one point. There are other black Americans who are notable for recognition for their contributions to this society, but Dr. King's agenda was widespread and it was for all people.

Because trial will be in Fulton, Watson will walk

Subject: Jim Watson is going to be acquitted of murder.

Thanks to Brooks school for helping Joseph Sams school

In a time where acts of kindness often receive little recognition, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kimberly Wright, Brooks Elementary second grade teacher, the staff and all of the students of the school for the wonderful gift they gave to the students of The Joseph Sams School.

To all who helped and ate Kiwanis pancakes, thanks

To all those who attended the Peachtree City Kiwanis Cub Pancake Breakfast on Jan. 26, thank you. For the 10 years that these breakfasts have taken place this was the best and biggest. Thank you to the banks that bankrolled the sausage, thank you to the Wyndham Conference Center for donating the pancake mix, thank you to Publix for discounting the syrup, thank you to McIntosh High School for use of the facilities, but most of all thank you to those who bought tickets and came to the best breakfast in Peachtree City.

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