Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Thanks to Brooks school for helping Joseph Sams school

In a time where acts of kindness often receive little recognition, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kimberly Wright, Brooks Elementary second grade teacher, the staff and all of the students of the school for the wonderful gift they gave to the students of The Joseph Sams School.

Our school, located in Fayetteville, provides educational and therapeutic services for children with intellectual, physical and developmental delays, ages 18 months to 15 years, who reside in six metropolitan Atlanta counties. While our needs are similar to typical schools, many are also unique to nonprofit, privately supported organizations. Brooks Elementary School's 100th Day of School celebration helped to fill some of those needs.

Imagine if you will, bubbles and whistles and roly-poly eyes, buttons and glitter, glue and craft sticks, garbage and storage bags and paper towels, all by the hundreds. Visualize over 200 rolls of toilet paper, thousands of cotton balls, and nearly 5,000 drinking straws. These wonderful people delivered to us things that most people would not think of as a need.

Words are not enough to express our gratitude to everyone at Brooks Elementary for honoring us as the recipient of their 100th Day of School celebration. Their generosity is humbling. From all of our children, their parents and a very dedicated staff, thank you.

Lana Carr

Executive Director

The Joseph Sams School

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