The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

We need to be br'er Rabbit, not br'er Bear

I'm glad President Bush is talking tough.

Growing up Late Night
Laugh Lines

When I was in the ninth grade, I had a fight with my mother. Though it was the 70s, the fight was not over my misplaced mood ring. I simply fought her every night over staying up to watch "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson."

A time forever etched in memory
One Citizen's Opinion

Throughout our history there have been times and experiences that became etched in our psyche. Whether we lived them ourselves, or lived them through the lives and stories of others, they became a part of our collective experience.


High school students should know what's going on

I am a sophomore at Starr's Mill High School, and I was taking an English test on the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, when our principal's voice crackled on the PA system. He announced that a few planes had been hijacked and had crashed into the World Trade Center. Immediately following that, he made the strict announcement that we would not be able to watch CNN, go on its Web site, or listen to the radio. The only reason he told us about it is because some kids were listening to a radio during class for class work and heard the news; otherwise, we would not have known about it. My school blocked out any communication to the outside world, thus triggering several rumors to spread like wildfire through my school. When I left English, everywhere I listened, people were discussing the events. Some exaggerated by saying that there had been 10 planes hijacked and some were heading to the CDC center in Atlanta. Since no one was able to confirm or deny these rumors, we had to sit for five hours worrying about what was going on in the outside world while our teachers droned on.

The only solution to terrorism

[Editor's note: This letter was also sent to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.]

Time to pray, fly the flag

It seems to me that this is the time when we need to take the steps to get the prayers back into the public schools.

Support war effort financially

In light of the recent acts of war perpetrated against innocent Americans, many of us are wondering what we can do, right here where we are. I have a suggestion: Did not many of us receive, or anticipate receiving a tax refund from the federal government? How did you spend or plan to spend that money? Pay off bills? Buy something frivolous? Make a financial investment? How about this instead? SEND IT BACK! How do you send it back? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds. Send a check to the Red Cross. Send a contribution to the Salvation Army.

Local club encouraged by flag displays

Thank you for your front-page article on the proper way to fly the American flag. Over the past week many have looked for ways to show pride in our country and it has been heartening to see the symbol of freedom and justice flying from cars, trucks, buildings and displayed in store windows. It was inspiring to learn that the demand for the flag had cleared the stores of their supply. What is somewhat disappointing, however, is that such a horrible act of barbarian incivility had to be the cause of our openly and unashamedly embracing the basic symbols of our country.

A poem: 'The Attack'

The Attack

New York a 'great city'

My granddaughter Jessie wanted to go to see the Statue of Liberty for her first trip and flight. I take each of my Grandchildren on a trip when they reach their 8th birthday.

Challenge to city government: Look at school lines, and how you caused them to change

I am writing to issue a challenge to our Peachtree City government officials, prospective members of our government included. I want to be as straightforward as I possibly can to prevent any confusion, because the citizens of this town who elect you deserve your unequivocal support.

Council candidate to give all contributions to relief efforts

It is difficult to continue concentrating on my campaign for the upcoming election. The attack on America was one of those defining moments in our life that we will never forget. In a blink of an eye, our lives have been severed into "before the attack" and "after the attack."

Rapson supporter: Leadership is what keeps America strong

Leadership is not a common commodity in our country or in our community. As our nation mourns the dreadful acts of Sept. 11, we are comforted to know that we have individuals in key places to see us through what lies ahead. It is with that sobering thought in mind that I want to talk about the characteristics of one of our candidates for Peachtree City Council, Steve Rapson.

Voting, examining candidates a big part of our job as citizens

Since last Tuesday I have seen and heard God Bless America countless times. The monsters who committed the four spinless acts upon our country may look at our strong faith in God as being weak; little do they know that God is who has enabled us to remain strong.

Candidate for Peachtree City mayor announces his intentions

On Friday, Sept 14, I qualified as a candidate for mayor of Peachtree City. As many of you who know me will attest, I have never been one to sit around when there is work to be done. You also know that I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, whether it's the Line Creek Nature Area or the F-16 project at Falcon Field, both of which I had the honor of directing.

Recent events bring new perspectives on community's differences, similarities

These pages are routinely filled with opinions from many people in our community. It is always intriguing to me to see what is on the minds of people from all walks of life. We are fortunate to have The Citizen to read to gain some insight as to what matters the most in the minds of the citizenry.

Peters family member voices concern about cemetery, power plant

I am Jan Peters Roderick, g-g-g-granddaughter of George and Sarah West Peters. I have just this past week been advised of the controversy over my ancestors' cemetery located on the property which, I am told, is now the proposed site of a power plant of the Williams Energy Co. This Peters family cemetery contains the burial sites of Sarah West Peters, along with her son, George, and most of his family. It is my understanding this property is owned by Mr. Michael Scharko.

Look at all sides in power plant discussion

Thank you for publishing letters on both sides of the proposed power plant controversy. Fair-minded people like to hear all views of an issue so important to the future of Fayette County.

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