Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Voting, examining candidates a big part of our job as citizens

Since last Tuesday I have seen and heard God Bless America countless times. The monsters who committed the four spinless acts upon our country may look at our strong faith in God as being weak; little do they know that God is who has enabled us to remain strong.

Saturday I took my granddaughter on a grandmother-granddaughter outing. As we shopped I noticed that people were going about their business but in a quiet, thoughtful, solemn mood. There wasn't any hurrying in front of each other, driving crazy to get around another car, or speaking in a rude fashion. In fact, the greetings were "God bless you."

With my sweet little girl chattering away at my side I thought for the sake of our children we should be like this to each other at all times. What a better world it would be!

Then I thought, our freedom is like a piece of fine china. To preseve it and maintain its beauty we must always be mindful of just how fragile freedom is and do all we can to prevent anything from happening to it. This is our job!

In November, we will be asked to go to the voting polls to vote for two council persons and for mayor of Peachtree City. This is a big part of our job description too preserve our freedom. All too often we don't give our city's elections sufficient thought.

People who are elected to make decisions for our city have as much impact on our day-to-day lives as do the decisions from the state and national officials, maybe more. Please make a point to vote Nov. 6. However, there is more to our job description.

Look at the candidates with a strong magnifying glass. If he or she professes to be a loving spouse and parent, check out that claim. Is thatthe true picture?Or, is the person negative or angry? I, for one, don't want or need a person like that making important decisions for my city.

Take time to see the full picture of each candidate.That is our job description to help preserve our freedom.

One last comment: Thank you Anne McMenamin and Mayor Lenox for your dedication to Peachtree City. God bless you. God bless all of Peachtree City's citizens who will take time to fullynotice those who are asking to be a part of running city government and those who will vote Nov. 6.

Myrna Lehman



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