John Hatcher: Teamwork and the church

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We preachers don’t like to admit it, especially at this time of year, but football is what it’s all about. And if we would permit it, football can teach us church folks some lessons we need to learn. To start off, just read some of the following quotes about teamwork:

John Hatcher: Celebrating birthdays in heaven

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Heaven Birthdays are so much better than the ones we huff and puff to put together here on earth. Heaven just celebrated my Mother’s 95th birthday on Sept. 21. I can only imagine. I remember one of her last ones here on earth: she was in her wheel chair, made up pretty by sister’s makeup, wearing a beautiful dress, and made as much as she could about the gifts and cake. Not too long though she was back in her room at the nursing home and all the children had left.

John Hatcher: Everybody’s favorite scripture

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The most favorite passage of Scripture is Psalm 23. Probably because it has such pathos, such personal impact, and so very much comfort. It’s requested at more funerals than any other passage.

John Hatcher: Lessons in the vineyard

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The sign reads, “Open at noon.” Yet, there I was one day last week, a few minutes before high noon, along with others lined up to buy some of the most luscious, spherical orbs of delight at Millers Orchard. Scuppernongs, man, that’s what it’s all about at this slice of the calendar. Neither peaches nor peanuts can satisfy. But scuppernongs can. And Harold and Sara Miller’s are some of the best (their country grove is located across from the congested soccer fields east of Fayetteville on Georgia 54).

John Hatcher: Treat yourself to the sounds of Watoto

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Watoto is no longer just an African word meaning “the children.” Today the word encompasses a global effort to care for orphans. The epicenter for the movement is Kampala, Uganda. The initial movers and shakers are Gary and Marilyn Skinner.

John Hatcher: ‘Doing’ the Word

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JaRhonda, a front counter service representative at a Stockbridge Chick-fil-la, lifted my whole last week. More than extra-crisp chicken strips, waffle fries, and a small coke, she served up joy and a smile that could have melted the hardest heart.

John Hatcher: I’ll say it again ... I stand with Israel

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Jesus was a Jew. He belonged to the lion tribe, Judah. His mama was a Jew and his earthly father was a Jew. He carried out the Jewish customs of his day and when one or two needed tweaking toward Godliness, he did it without apology. He read from the Jewish standard operating procedure called the Torah.

John Hatcher: Honoring our seniors

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You would not treat your Coke stock like it. You would not treat your Microsoft stock like it. You would not even treat your personal laptop like it. But, far too often we treat our most valuable assets like leftovers in the refrigerator and we can’t decide to throw them out or heat them up one more time.

John Hatcher: Relief from the heat of life

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Several years ago I was in a fitness spike and faithfully walked almost every day. I walked regardless of the weather except for rain. It was a hot and humid day. You know, just like the ones we are experiencing now. But to use another analogy, I bit off too much to chew for the day and temperature.

John Hatcher: It’s simple: Just stand on the Word

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Many say they believe the Bible. Many, however, believe the Bible until it hits their particular wall of prejudice or conviction. For example, many believe in the Bible until it comes to their pocketbooks. Then, the words from the Prophet Malachi about giving God 10 percent can be interpreted very loosely and even ignored as binding today.

John Hatcher: Pray for changing hearts

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Haifa residents live in fear of their lives today as explosives from Hezzbola guerrillas strike homes and businesses. In turn, Israeli forces pound away at targets in Lebanon. Innocent lives on both sides of the Lebanese/Israeli border are been sacrificed.

John Hatcher: Are we lowering our expectations?

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I watched the debate Sunday night between four of the gubernatorial candidates. Diversity was apparent in that they included a woman running for governor. And for all of us who are out of shape (who need to be on a diet of water and crackers for four weeks), we were comforted that one of our kind was in the line up. You know, the big man for little Georgians. Then, the guy with the greasy top reminded me of a John Bircher plucked out of the Flynt River in the 1960’s and still trying to dry out and figure out what he believes. The flat top model candidate gave me the idea he came straight from auto shop at technical school. At least among Democrat Party candidates we have diversity, but little in dynamo.

John Hatcher: Spirituality ... have you ‘got it?’

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Remember one of the first haunting questions recorded in the Bible, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain was asking it of God after the former had committed the first murder. It should have been a tip off. The whereabouts and circumstances of our brothers and sisters matter greatly to God.

John Hatcher: ‘One Nation, Under God?’ Thank the Knights of Columbus

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“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

John Hatcher: We offer you ... relationships

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The Full Gospel Baptist State Convention, meeting in Decatur last week, was being carried along with the theme of relationships. I was an invited guest due to the fact that my dear friend, the Rev. Mamie Harris, was one of the featured speakers.

John Hatcher: Ouida Horne — the rest of the story

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Ouida Horne’s obituary can be read in this past week’s Sunday Ledger-Enquirer Newspaper (Columbus, Georgia). It tells of her birth, death, family, and a few references to her life as an interior designer. It also gives the news of her funeral service and the so-called final resting place of her remains. But, unfortunately, obits just don’t tell the whole story. Newspapers would get rich if the whole story were told.

John Hatcher: Big lessons in a tiny bird’s nest

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Birds love to nest on a narrow perch only a few feet from our front door. I’ve tried to let them know they were not particularly welcomed but gave way once noticing mother sitting at length.

John Hatcher: Holy hip hop!

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New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia is hosting a youth conference later this month. One of the questions addressed will be, “Where is God in the hip hop culture?” So much violence and evil has been identified with hip hop. Thankfully, there are musicians who are out to redeem hip hop and bless God through it. Personally, I can dig hip hop. As teens use to say on Dick Clark’s bandstand show, “I like the beat.”

John Hatcher: Cell phone situation needs serious thought

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Picture this. You are in the upper room with the rest of the disciples including Peter, James, and John and even Mary, the mother of Jesus. You are being obedient to the last command of Jesus before he ascended to the Father. You are waiting and praying. You are waiting for the fulfillment of a promise. Then, to everyone’s aghast, your cell phone rings with the “Hallelujah Chorus,” indeed appropriate music but inappropriate time. You, a transport from 2006, forgot to turn your cell phone off.

John Hatcher: Summertime rest is good for the soul

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“It’s summertime and the living is easy.

“Fish are jumping and the cotton is high.

“Your daddy’s rich and your mama’s good-looking ... ”

John Hatcher: Don’t let Da Vinci Code shake your faith

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Hollywood is at it again. “The DaVinci Code,” of which I speak. A big movie based on a best selling book is coming to a screen near you. This movie must be differentiated from the likes of “The Passion of the Christ.” The Passion was a Biblical portrayal of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, prompted in large part by the passion of Mel Gibson. Gibson funded the film. The Code, on the other hand, is the product of Sony Pictures which is motivated by what will make money. Sony is a huge conglomerate that owns, in part, the popular television shows “Jeopardy” and “Wheel of Fortune.”

John Hatcher: The Da Vinci Code and the Jesus Movement

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Alexandra Alter, writer of the Knight Ridder Newspapers, in her article on The Da Vinci Code (April 24, 2006), said several things, but three things in particular that deeply intrigued me and make me believe that this new movie’s supposed popularity has some pertinence to us here in Fayette County.

John Hatcher: A year later ... same old story

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Religion editor’s note: John Hatcher was unable to write a column this week. The following is an encore from May 18, 2005. Given the topic, it could just as well have been written this week.

John Hatcher: Spirituality in parenting

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Parenting is the toughest job in America. Single parenting, therefore, is twice as hard. Parenting in America is probably more difficult than any country. Parents, inaudibly or with loud voice, are crying out for help. Seminars and books provide little help. Real help comes from the Lord.

John Hatcher: Jesus’ Resurrection: It really shakes things up

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Easter is a celebration. But more than that, it is an inauguration of new life and a new lifestyle. The one and only reason we celebrate Easter is that the dead and buried Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the tomb.

John Hatcher: Story of Judas is legit

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Media types at this time of the year are always coming up with some sort of purported new slant on an old story. At this Easter season, they talk about Judas. From some questionable documents uncovered several years ago in Egypt and now just coming to public attention, Jesus directed Judas to do what he did: betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Judas was just carrying out orders previously given to him by Jesus. If that were the case, we would all start naming our boys Judas in addition to Peter, James, and John.

John Hatcher: I’ll stay out of the ocean

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Avoid the ocean deep, where danger is abound

Even where there’s beauty, danger lurks

It was a sight to behold. It never had happened to me in all my ministerial days. Picture this: a beach wedding on the Gulf of Mexico. The bride was as lovely as any bride and the groom was in a striking tuxedo. There were bridesmaids as well as groom attendants. All the normal stuff of a wedding. And I was there in my ministerial best to officiate at the beautiful, beach ceremony.

John Hatcher: To be filled with the Spirit is to be filled with love

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You can preach all your life and still stumble upon a truth that you thought you should have known but, to tell the truth, have never hit upon. For me, it had to do with the Holy Spirit, fullness of the Holy Spirit, and love.

John Hatcher: Calling all Fayette pastors: Join us for unity, relationship April 22

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In the last 45 days, I have walked into three Fayette churches that I had never before known anything about, much less known their pastors. You know the three churches I am talking about. Many of you, just like me, have passed these faithful outposts of the Christian faith but never knew much more. We need to venture out more.

John Hatcher: Lent’s lesson: Sorrow precedes glory

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Mardi Gras has come and gone. New Orleans has experienced again its orgy of drinking, frolicking, and bead throwing parades. This year Fat Tuesday (English for Mardi Gras), was somewhat diminished because of the devastation in many parts of the city. Many were ashamed that the event was even staged due to the plight of hundreds of thousands of citizens. Others thought it represented the resurgence of life. For one, I can’t interpret resurgence of life by men and women puking their guts out on city streets. That’s fun?

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