Don’t let Da Vinci Code shake your faith

John Hatcher's picture

Hollywood is at it again. “The DaVinci Code,” of which I speak. A big movie based on a best selling book is coming to a screen near you. This movie must be differentiated from the likes of “The Passion of the Christ.” The Passion was a Biblical portrayal of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, prompted in large part by the passion of Mel Gibson. Gibson funded the film. The Code, on the other hand, is the product of Sony Pictures which is motivated by what will make money. Sony is a huge conglomerate that owns, in part, the popular television shows “Jeopardy” and “Wheel of Fortune.”

I don’t have a problem with Sony making money, but I do have a problem when the money makers are in the temple courts.

Perhaps you remember the account of Jesus entering the temple courts and with a whip, clearing it of all those who were making money through religion. The Gospel Writer John tells us that it was then that Jesus said, “Stop making my Father’s House a place of business.”

Granted the movie house is not The Father’s House, but there they go again making money on the skirt of religion and faith. Could Sony perhaps donate a generous 10-20 percent of ticket proceeds to a good cause since they are riding a good cause to make money?

I see churches taking up the movie’s plot to help believers through all the hype and intrigue the movie produces.

I remember the quote from the Beatles that they were more popular than Jesus Christ. Where are the Beatles now? Their music catalog belongs to Michael Jackson and Sony. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and no movie or singing group will ever displace him as the greatest person to ever have lived, died, and be raised from the dead.

Church, get a hold of that truth. Don’t let a Hollywood entertainment production, in one least bit, deter your faith in the living God, the God-man Jesus Christ, and the church universal. Don’t allow popularity of a person, icon, book, or movie in this day’s culture remove you from your faith in the one who forgives you of all your sins and of the church that has been faithful to you and your family in good times and bad.

Christ and culture have never been comfortable with one another. You have to decide to make sure that Christ is always over culture.

If you want to go see the Code, go ahead. But remember, “that’s entertainment.” That movie won’t be there in your hour of need, but your church will.

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