Relief from the heat of life

John Hatcher's picture

Several years ago I was in a fitness spike and faithfully walked almost every day. I walked regardless of the weather except for rain. It was a hot and humid day. You know, just like the ones we are experiencing now. But to use another analogy, I bit off too much to chew for the day and temperature.

On my return route I was praying: “Lord, please let my wife think of me and be prompted by your Holy Spirit to get in the car and come after me. Please, Lord.” No joke. This was serious prayer and the heat was just unbearable. I needed relief.

But, perhaps I was not spiritual enough as some may suggest. Maybe I deserved the misery. Maybe God wanted to teach me a lesson. Maybe, none of the above. Maybe I just made a foolish decision to go out in such heat.
What I learned was that God had already made provision for me. He didn’t have to conjure up some miracle relief; he had planned relief years and years ago. You see, there were these nuts that got stuck in the ground and protested their grounding by showing up, way up — up to the sky with limbs and leaves.

As I continued to tread back home, I found the wonderful relief of shade.
Shade! I sought the shade of God-borne trees. I went from one side of the road to the other for the promise and relief of shade. The Psalmist must have known something of the wonder of shade when he stated, “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day” (Psalm 121:5,6a).

Did I wish for an air-conditioned automobile to rescue me? Yes. Lord, yes! But I am also reminded what my mother said about wishes: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.” Yet, the Lord did provide. Although I thought the walk would never end, I found the relief of shade trees by and by and eventually made it home.

As you experience the harshness of the summer and the heat of life, look for shade. It may be a long-time friend that God planted in your life years ago. It might be a lesson learned but forgotten. It might be a promise from God’s Holy Bible. Look for it and go for its relief.

Don’t take the heat; go for the shade.

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