Ranked #8 In CNN’s top 100 cities to live in, but we don’t act like it!

Tue, 08/04/2009 - 5:04pm
By: Cammeron Vaughn

How is it possible that we allow the median in front of two of our most prominent facilities to get in such a sad state? What am I talking about you ask? Have you seen the median on Planterra Way directly in front of our city’s Visitor Center and our Tennis complex? The vegetation has been allowed to grow to depths of more than two feet and it’s not slated to be trimmed until September or October! Those in charge have relegated this area, as well as many others, to mowing but four times a year! We should be outraged; it’s a blight, eyesore, and embarrassment. Should I ever contemplate allowing my personal property to deteriorate to such a sad state the city would surely cite me.

Cam Vaughn

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 6:35am.

What visitor center? Is this something new? Who runs it?

borntorun's picture
Submitted by borntorun on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 11:11am.

Bobby Morgan, are you for real?? Your posting may be the most incredulous this year! That visitors center has been beside the Tennis Center for what, 15 years?? Geez, man, you need to get out of the basement more...I bet you are as pale as Casper the Ghost.

Submitted by Bonkers on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 5:03pm.

Well you see the "Code" people are 5000 violations behind and also have not been able to see this one at Planterra!

Just who would they issue the ticket to, anyway?

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 9:25am.

The Council saw to that.

I'm quite sure Canongate could find a mower/trimmer if they wanted to.

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 9:59am.

We still own it. There is no magic in government running such things.

Certain things government stinks at running. Moving the Tennis Center from operation to deficit to even or plus is a problem... why?

After all these years of failure after failure under it is time to learn and move to what has proven very successful in other cities, meaning public/private partnerships.

PTC is responsible for normal landowner issues, which includes the grass.

Staff moved to a greater time between cuttings due to the economy. When money gets tight you either have to get more money or spend less.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 2:49pm.

I contacted Staff on the mowing. Last week of September begins the next scheduled secondary mowing and they are looking into adding more mowings to the contract.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 4:07pm.

I don't live in PTC, but what I do know is that grass doesn't grow on a schedule and to plan to mow once or twice a month is dumber than dirt and simply doesn't pass the common sense test. Seems to me that SOMEBODY who's getting paid to be in charge there should be able to make something happen. No? How sad.

Submitted by AtHomeGym on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 5:08pm.

You have my condolences---and BTW Clear to taxi on all PTC streets and GA 54--no fear of active lawn mowers!

Submitted by Dondol on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 2:57pm.

Not trying to be a smart a$$, but what do we do for the next 5-6 weeks, tie a goat up in the median and let them eat the grass. This kind of thing is what most of us were afraid of when this contract went into place, you see a need and can't get it addressed until the next mowing schedule. This is what I have said is wrong with contract personnel from day one.

Obama's weapon of Choice!

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 3:54pm.

This rotation policy was put in when the city employees were still cutting. Difference was we were in drought then so no demands for additional cuttings happened, just complaints on how bad things looked.

Even under City personnel it would have required allocating the funds before additional mowing would have been done. But we would have had $7 or 800,000 less funds to allocate from thus making the odds of increasing mowing cycles far less likely and the reduction of other services and amenities or a tax raise of about .5 mil just for landscaping guaranteed.

What also has happened is it was discovered mowing was occurring where it should not have been, thus costing money, plus some areas that should have been were not getting cut.

There was a change of policy to save money and accommodate the drought. Now we are in a wetter year so the policy must again change to accommodate that reality. Would have been the same under City workers.

No disrespect intended but you are not looking at the total picture here. Unlike the Feds we cannot just print more money.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

DarkMadam's picture
Submitted by DarkMadam on Fri, 08/07/2009 - 12:59pm.

There have been good and bad years but the city never (and I repeat) NEVER let it get like this before. Something just dosen't ring true here!

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 3:58pm.

Canongate or Planterra cannot mow this entrance area. I know when the entrance to my Subdivision got too high, I went and mowed it. I too own rental property, and when it's occupied, I either charge the tenants for upkeep, or they do it themselves.

That was my point above about Canongate...I fully realize they are running the Center, they should keep the area around it looking nice.

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 4:21pm.

That is a lot of area to mow. But if Planterra and/or Canongate request to mow it my answer is go ahead.

But require it? That is a whole other legal issues since it isn't Tennis Center or Planterra land. It is an area that is vacant and was designated for a frontage road like on the north side of 54. Problem is the majority didn't require McMurrain to construct it instead of the traffic light.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Submitted by Bonkers on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 4:54pm.

To Whom does the entrance land belong, sir?

City, maybe?

Submitted by Spyglass on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 4:45pm.

in detail recently, I'll defer to you. Frankly, their would seem to be a lot of riding mowers in Planterra that could handle the job easily. Smiling

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 4:48pm.

Mowers in formation. That would be movie material.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Jeremy@SouthernScapes's picture
Submitted by Jeremy@Southern... on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 8:24am.

I'm Jeremy Leigh, owner of Southern Scapes Lawncare, and I had been wondering as well who maintains these medians, since I have a customer in Planterra Ridge who I cut for, and cringe every time I pass by this entrance. Now that the situation has been explained here, I'd like to help by donating our services. I'll be in the area later today, so I'll come by with my crew and get the sides of the entrance and the median taken care of.

During this time of year, mowing should occur every 2 - 3 weeks, to maintain a fresh appearance. The Planterra Ridge Homeowner's Assoc. may want to consider adopting these areas during the between times that city mowers aren't out here (which apparently can be months at a time). I operate under a no-contract / as-needed basis, so if the Assoc. President would like to give me a call, I could offer a quote for occasional cutting, at the neighborhood's request, whenever the areas start to look over-grown.


S. Lindsey's picture
Submitted by S. Lindsey on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 8:36am.

Government forms a committee to research the issue..
Capitalist sees a opportunity and gets it done.. A fine example of a Free Market Society..

"Any People who expect to be both IGNORANT and FREE, in a state of CIVILIZATION, expects what NEVER was and NEVER will be."

Don Haddix's picture
Submitted by Don Haddix on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 8:35am.

I appreciate the effort and agree that since it is an entrance for Planterra Ridge some assumption would be appropriate. My HOA has maintained our entrance from day one for almost 23 years now. Many others do their own.

Needs to be added that the mowing frequency has been increased by Public Works contractually within the last week for here and about 5 other areas as well.

Don Haddix
PTC Councilman
Post 1

Submitted by momofpeach on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 5:27pm.

I Had the priveledge by pure coincidence to find this young man and hired him for a one time mow and estimate. I've had some lawn services on and off before, I just want to say this young man's service was so good and he was so respectful. I thought I needed to spread the word, you will not be dissapointed! It's not that often these days when you get service that you are respected and get 100% service. So Bravo Jeremy and crew and thank you for the great job. Be sure you can count on hearing from me again real soon.

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