Palin's Dismal Record on Earmarks

Thu, 09/11/2008 - 12:07am
By: Main Stream

It seems that the McCain/Palin ticket has suddenly embraced the message of "change" and "reform" in Washington, repeatedly citing Palin's record as Governor, regarding "earmark reform." The lies that these two continue to feed the voting public is stunning.

Some facts:

"Palin has sought $197 million worth of earmarks for 2009...As mayor of tiny Wasilla, Alaska, she hired a lobbyist to seek federal money for special projects. Wasilla obtained 14 earmarks, totaling $27 million, between 2000-2003, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense."

And what did kind of projects did Sarah request earmarks for 2009:

* $2 million in federal monies to study crab mating habits (eeek, no abstinence training for crabs?)
* $494,900 for the recreational halibut harvest
* $3.2 million for seal genetics research

If the Republican candidates are NOW going to run with the message of "change" and "reform" they should at least be the shining example of the type of "reform" they are shouting about on the campaign trail. Liars, liars, liars.

McCain does have a good record on not accepting earmarks, however, for him to hold Palin up as an example of "reform" is absolutely hilarious and an act of desperation on his part. I would guess that SOME earmarks may be necessary for some communities, however, the issue with this and the blatant hypocrisy of the message, of hoisting Palin up on this pedestal of "reform", is sickening. Do they think the voters are stupid?

How do those current earmarks breakdown per capita, in some other states, compared to Alaska?

Colorado: $18.89/person
Ohio: $26.58/person
Illinois: $30.67/person
Alaska (under Palin): $506/person

Reform? Where is it?

What a joke.

Palin Requests $197 Million in Earmarks

Simply Laughable

Palin's 2009 "pork" Requests

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Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 7:45am.

"As senator, he has requested nearly $936 million in earmarks, ratcheting up his requests each year he's been in the Senate. If voters dislike earmarks -- and they do -- they may conclude Mrs. Palin cut them, while Mr. Obama grabs for more each year."

WSJ, Opinion Journal

Submitted by jackyldo on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 9:50am.

Obama 936 million in the 5th most populous state with 12,852,548 people 223.4 per square mile (12th most densely populated) and a median income of $45,787.

Palin in a state 683,478 people 1.2 per sq mile (50th) and a median income of $54,627.

John Mccain wanted to line item veto research about bears dna wondering if as a big joke was dealing with bear crimes.

Well it's do as we do, not do as we say and make believe we do.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 7:59am.

Try to keep up, Fred. You seem to have missed the point in my post regarding Republican hypocrisy.

I believe it is McCain/Palin running on a NEW platform of earmark reform, and holding Palin up as THE shining example making the Republicans look like total hypocrites. Repubs should have looked at Palin's earmark record before crowning her as the earmark reformer...bbbwwwwwwahahahahaha.

So... NOW we live and die because of earmarks? This is the new BIG issue Repubs are running on? What happened to talking about the Iraq war, our floundering economy, healthcare, education, job loss, foreclosures, bank failures, foreign policy? All you Repubs can whine about now are EARMARKS?!

Repub campaign games = distract, distract, distract

"You can lead a Republican to the truth, but you can't make him think."

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 8:05am.

Typical Liberal.

You wanted to talk about issues. EARMARKS are an issue. I bring up Obama's earmarks, and now you call it whining?

You're HOPEless, and so is Obama.

Main Stream's picture
Submitted by Main Stream on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 10:17am.

and talking point.

"EARMARKS are an issue."

McSame has nothing else to shovel out to the voters because of the dismal record of the Bush administration and McSame voting with Bush 90% of the time. "Earmarks" are all he has.

I doubt if most Americans give a mooses arse about earmarks right now, Fred, when they are paying $4.00+ for a gallon of milk, see their home being foreclosed on, paying billions each month for an illegal war while Iraq sits on $billions$ in oil revenue, can't pay for their cancer treatments, can't get their VA benefits, see their job shipped overseas, watch another bank fail.... shall I go on?

"You can lead a Republican to the truth, but you can't make him think."

Submitted by mmm on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 12:29am.

Just wondering, what was the dollar amount of Alaska's earmarks in 2008?

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